Rabu, 18 Agustus 2010

A Lonely who Found the Perfect Mate and Live Happily Ever After

Her name is Lilly, she was three years old and  lonely, couldn't find herself a mate and no one was willing to help.

But thanks to the internet, she finally found the perfect male. An attractive two year old Mr. Darcy :)

Fangs for the memories: Darcy, left, shows off the winning smile that captured Lilly's heart

(he is not that cute but love is blind )
On the 12th of August, they were blessed with four babies, they are :

and Stumpy-Jo

'Long journey': Eeny, Meeny, Miney, Stumpy-Mo were born following a worldwide internet campaign

Meerkat mummy: Lilly with Eeny, Meeny, Miney, Stumpy-Mo at Twinlakes family Theme Park, Leicestershire

You can read their story here 

8 komentar:

  1. Awwww. Glad they have a sweet little family now. :)

  2. Haha aww this is soo cute :D
    I love merecats ...
    Fahad says I look like one/act xD We have a joke where he says "Meercat" and I pose like one ... lol.

  3. Susanne,

    They are so sweet and the babies are so cute :)

  4. جيسي,

    lool you are so cute dear. And glad you like them too :)

  5. Bismillah

    I was not familiar with the meerkat until now, but surely it is one of the cutest of God's creatures!

    May the Lord bless and keep us all

  6. Caraboska,

    i remember seeing it on a cartoon before and never realized what it was until recently. and it's very very cute animal, i love looking at its picutre. Subhanallah

    Amen ya rab :)
