Kamis, 12 Agustus 2010

Mecca Clock

Two days ago Ramadan begins and so is Mecca clock . 

This is the clock

It's  400 meters high which makes it the second tallest building ( the first is in Emirates). 
Cuz that's a building which will have a hotel with 3000 rooms. There will be, also, an Islamic museum , an observatory for scientific and religious purposes.

" Over 90 million pieces of coloured glass mosaic embellish the sides of the clock, which has four faces each bearing a large inscription of the name “Allah”. It is visible from all corners of the city" the Saudi news agency said.

The clock will be the main time for Muslims all around the world -according to hopes of whoever behind the stupid project-, but why do we need a huge clock that tops 400 meters and costs 3 billion dollars so Muslims all around the world follow Mecca time ? 
For prayers? can not be, cuz everyone prays according to the time of the place they are in. 
beside, In a click of a mouse on your computer you can find what is the time in Mecca now , that's if it's important to know.
so why?

They said ,also, "so Muslims will follow Mecca time instead of Greenwich time "
Again why? . 
we don't even use Greenwich time all the time. Greenwich time is not that important to most Muslims and most of the world too.

Let's be honest the whole idea is to have another hotel in that area but let's make it different with a huge clock and let's make the idea big by calling it an Islamic and for Muslims. 

I am from Medina  and i know what i am talking about. What's happening in Mecca is happening in Medina. We used to be able to see the Prophet's Mosque here from everywhere especially its minarets. Now with those huge hotel all around it, it's barely seen . 
And the same in Mecca. 

Who says that modernity is in big and tall things? 

OK, let's agree that this is going to be good for anyone. How about the 3 million dollar spent on this project while people suffer close by and all over Saudi Arabia because of poverty. Why aren't these 3 BILLION DOLLARS are used for something useful for people, for their prosperity and well-being. 

Plus why are we -Arabs- are so obsessed with tall , big, wide and huge things. 
Why are they are our only achievements. 
We want to be modern states with tall and big buildings, but look at modern countries and examine them carefully, their main concern is "man" and his"well-fare" not tall buildings. 

Convince me, how can steel , concrete, fiber glass, and modern technology "inside the building only" can spare poor people poverty, pain and suffering. 

Wallah 7aram. 

28 komentar:

  1. You are absolutely right !
    On the top of that , it looks exactly like Big Ben . Where is the Islamic architecture ?????!!!

  2. The biggest and tallest buildings... were, I mean... one of human beings obsessions, from the pyramids and before that.

    I do think that those 3000 rooms and everything else are there to create jobs for people in the country, those who want to work in them that is, other than the reception area or security ;)

    If the guys only knew that a head chef in a hotel like this would make somewhere around 30K SR they would be washing dishes straight out of high school and working in the kitchen just to make it.

    P.S. how come there are no real pictures of this massive structure?

  3. Great points! Thanks for this informative post. :)

  4. I agree...Good photo...Money is lost...Ramadan Mubarak.

  5. It is 7aram. And the sad thing is that ordinary people will not be able to step a foot in such buildings. I wish we can be %10 like the west, have tall buildings, luxurious lives, but for everyone to enjoy. All people have an equal chance to become comething they want and dreamt about. However, in the middle east.....just emptiness every where. Empty hearts, empty minds, and empty buildings that coast debt for the country and the people will have to pay for it.
    I completely agree with you , dear.
    Ramadan Kareem

  6. Salaam Alikum Teacher,

    I changed my mind after reading your post...
    I knew about this news in Sha'ban. I said how cool is it.. wow the bigest and the tallest clock...etc
    Also, I thought I'll see just a huge clock without any hotel...

    But now you made me think about this from many different ways..

    I agree with you 100%
    3 million dollars make huge difference with millions Muslims...

    The clock not for Muslims as they said.. It is advertising for the hotel... Which is made for High high people not poor people...

    Ramadan Kareem :)

  7. Beyond Me,

    And that's another point: where is the Islamic architecture ? But don't you notice that we rarely use Islamic architecture or even an architecture that is suitable to our environment !!!

  8. Qusay,

    that's true but they are still a sign of tyranny. The pyramids were a death trap for slaves ,e.g.

    lol, that's what most Saudis will be working at security and reception area. I am not with Saudization of jobs, but are our youth that bad to be able to upgrade from the doors and behind the desks to a bigger position, let say the manager of the hotel for example. Plus they receive less money so they are cheaper anyway. why can not we be like most countries create jobs for its own people first and those unavailable ones can be acquired by others.

    if i knew that a head chef would make that much money, i would of have washed dishes since high school, lol.

    and yea exactly why are not there real pictures of that project !!! maybe cuz it's way too big and not easy to take pictures from the ground , i don't want to embarrass myself with speculation cuz i have no clues about photography :)

  9. Susanne,

    See how stupid are we when we have a bunch of money !!!

    And you are welcome dear :)

  10. sonnet,

    i agree of the lose of money.

    Ramadan Mubarak.

  11. Dr. N,

    (luxurious lives, but for everyone to enjoy)luxurious life is only for the rich ones.

    as for the middle east , it's a misery.

    Ramadan Kareem dear :)

  12. Strawberry,

    w'alkum AlSalam dear.

    You know i used to think that too, what a beautiful structure, how big and huge and amazing, but then it's indeed stupid, i guess.

    Ramadan Mubarak dear.

  13. Very interesting post!

    Who says that modernity is in big and tall things?

    NYC does. But the worst are Hong Kong and Singapore. If I had more talent I would write an equivalent for each of Garcia Lorca's Poeta en Nueva York with all the Dukheimian anomie and Sartean nausee I could muster (sorry about the nauseating lack of an accent on the first e).

    Why aren't these 3 BILLION DOLLARS are used for something useful for people, for their prosperity and well-being.

    Because there is no money or power in poor people.

    Plus why are we -Arabs- are so obsessed with tall , big, wide and huge things.

    I'm thinking Freudian compensation syndromes here, but then again the rest of the world is too, so...human frailty, or prowess, or back to Freud and his belief that his theories were universal.

    There are pictures of the real thing, but they show the construction cranes, unless they are real close ups of the completed bits, like one of the clock faces.

    I prefer the Ayjad Fortress/ Castle myself, alas, now only available in pictures.

    Thanks for a very interesting post! :)

  14. Hi Wafa! Zamaan, and a blessed Ramadan to you.

    My thoughts exactly, especially when juxtaposed with Pakistani flood suffering.

  15. I agree Wafa'! This is so wrong. I saw this building when it was under construction last Hajj. Those tall buildings around Kaaba are really confusing, and they just don't feel right. I just wished they were not there.

  16. Chiara,

    "NYC does" and who says that NY is right? and why don't we recognize the reasons behind NY tall buildings? , plus there are millions of great places that lack tall buildings are considered modern.

    " Because there is no money or power in poor people" well-said. But they do have huge brains and the one who might save the world one day might be one of them "the poor". The world is stupid, is not it?

    I will go with the Freudian Compensation Syndromes, cuz i guess it describe us way better. I should of have added all developed countries to that obsession instead of Arabs. Why i ask about us? it's because the whole world have -almost- finished taking care of its people and their prosperity and seems to be bored so they play with tall buildings, but we are way behind in people's well being , so we decided to jump huge steps to huge buildings. Why wont we hear of the biggest park in one of our cities ?.

    You are welcome and i am glad you are here. You have always amazing ideas and prospective to add to any topic :)

  17. Kinzi,

    Ahleen dear :) , so are you back from the states or not ?

    That's true cuz no amount of money is enough for what's happening in Pakistan.

  18. Susu,

    Exactly my point, there is no spirituality around these places. you might have seen the tall hotels all around the prophet mosque in Medina- if you came here too- , from far we can not see it any more. it's so disgusting this race towards money and everything big.

  19. Wafa, no, we are still in the land of All Things Valuable Are Big. Not for long tho!

    (I better bookmark you so I don't forget to visit!)

  20. Haitham,

    it was not so impressive after all, right? just a tall building !!

  21. Kinzi,

    Wish you a safe trip back to Jordan :)

    I will be honored to have you as a regular visitor :)

  22. Wafa'--thank you very much for your reply, kind words, and for joining my blog as a follower.

    I hope my comments here are recognizably tongue-in-cheek. I hate skyscrapers, and NYC is wrong on a lot of things. I stayed in a hotel in Singapore with 90+ floors. Either I or the breakfast room was on the 86th floor. I was too nauseated to eat anything because of the sway on the building (for earthquake or monsoon protection or something). I certainly couldn't look out the windows! In fact we moved from a breakfast seat by the window to which I had naturally gravitated to as far inside as possible.

    I agree that poor people deserve as much or more consideration. In Hong Kong there are many apartment buildings with over 65 stories, including the "bachelor cages" for poor single men. Hong Kong is the only place on earth where the means of suicide is the highest by jumping (usually overdose for women and firearms for men)--since that includes Mainland China, I think in Hong Kong it has to do with architecture and cityscapes rather than Chinese culture.

    Skyscrapers,whether for business or residence, take maximum advantage of minimum space; and they provide the greatest municipal tax revenue for the minimal space which is why cities are happy to have them.

    I definitely appreciate your giving a specific cultural and national perspective on skyscrapers.

    Thank you again for your kind words, and I hope you will comment on my blog as well! :)

    You are now in my Google Reader! :)

  23. Good waste of money! :(
    I wonder how many families would`ve benefitted from this "project" !


    **nice post bwt Ramadan around the world :) , refreshing pics.

  24. Chiara,

    see what i mean by saying that you add beautiful point of view to the main topic :), i love that about your comments.

    You are welcome and thanks :)

  25. Haitham,

    i don't want to think of how many families that much money would have helped, it made me angry :(

    Glad that you liked the post "Ramadan around the world" , i loved the pictures and thought of sharing :)

  26. never thought of dat. well i can say its preety tho. but listening ur point of view, ur right! im not sure whether this is right. is it true, 1 of the signs of Qiamat(end of the day) ppl r building tall buildings?


  27. iamSilla,

    welcome to my blog :)

    And yes it does looks beautiful , but still sane.

    And yes people building tall buildings is one of the signs of the Qiamat.
