Senin, 28 Juni 2010

My Father :)

The idea that he is gone forever is not yet sunk in me. But even if he is, i don't want to talk about him or remembering him crying . Yes, i am going to miss him . But i want him to be alive within us .
If any topic came and we mentioned him, i don't want us to start crying. We will miss him forever, but i want to say his name and smile :) . I am already doing so. I choose a very beautiful picture of him smiling as a wallpaper in my phone . That's how i want to remember him.

I am going to miss him terribly. Me and him didn't have the relationship i wished for but i still know that he loves me and i will make him proud .

We have not talked to him in three weeks and three days- during his last illness-. But we all saw the good signs during and after his death and i want to believe in them, no matter what anyone might say.

He died in Friday-a significant day-, all the procedure to take his body from the hospital to the house went by so quickly.
His face with shining :) , his funeral was the fastest in four funerals with him.
And the best of all to me -at least-, that he was lied on my bed for about five hours until they take him to the mosque . Every thing about his death and burial was quick and people witness that. He was eager to go , and why would not he when is going to meet -inshAllah-his parents, his brother and sister and his three kids.

So why would i want to be sad for a man who was so eager to go to heaven inshAllah :) .

He was indeed resting in peace now inshAllah :)

During the darkest hours you learn great stuff like how people are nice in general and that good deeds are never lost.

But the most important thing is that nothing is the same for good. I can see it with my mother. How much she hated and fought with him when he was alive , but when he is gone. She is so sick and so sad and wanted him back.
I never ever in my whole life heard her saying " habibi" , but i did now.
She was never in love with him, but everything now makes her say it and feel it and it never make me sad, i am so happy that she loves him and respects him and forgives him even if it's after he is gone. I
t's never too late. And i am positive that he will know somehow, and that this is will make him happy :)

Yes, we will miss him. But i choose to smile remembering him, because that's the least he deserve :)

38 komentar:

  1. MashaAllah what a beautiful attitude ya wafa'

    I am smiling for him and for you :-)

    with my love,

  2. الله يزيدك يقينا ً و إيمانا ً، طبعا ً الاشتياق و الذكرى لكل التفاصيل معه شيء طبيعي و مؤلم
    و لكنها الحياة

    الله يجمعكم به في الجنة

  3. Wow, that brings tears to my eyes.
    InshaAllah your mom as well as the rest of you can be at rest, and sometimes it takes losing (or even almost losing) someone to realize how much you love them.

  4. من نحبهم لا يغادرون قلوبنا ابدا ولو غابوا عن عيوننا...ما شاء الله عليكي يا وفاء...وعلى نظرتك المختلفه لامور...حتى وصفك لواقعة الموت جاء بنفسيه مرتاحه ويقين برحمة الله....ربي ارحم امواتنا جميعا واغفر لهم وتجاوز عنهم برحمتك يا الله واجمعنا واياهم في الجنه

  5. بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

    ماشاء الله عليك وعلى طريقتك في التعامل مع الحياه
    من جميع الجوانب
    دائما اتعلم منك اشياء كثيره فعلا

    الله يرحم الجميع ان شاء الله
    ويجمعكم معه في فسيح جناته ان شاء الله

  6. عظم الله أجركم.
    لا أملك تعليقاً سوى ابتسامة رسمها يقينك على وجهي و حتماً هذه خطوة يقتدى بها. جزاك الله خيراُ و جمعكم في درجاته العلا. :)

  7. What a lovely, uplifting post. I'm glad you are smiling as you remember your dad. :)

  8. Dear Wafa,
    It has been a while since we talked. I just opened my blog after a long cut due to moving. Sorry to hear about your dad.
    3atham Allah Ajrakom.
    hope all is well with you.

  9. To God we are from and to him we all return, I'm so sorry for your loss.

    You have a great way of looking at life.

  10. may god bring long waited rest to his soul and may god bless your hearts with the patience they need to heal.
    its important to be strong wafa mashallah your amazing, but it is also important to let go and let your feelings flow.
    may allah grant you a peaceful mourning

  11. You are a strong woman, Wafa!:) Insha'Allah, he is in heaven and finally at peace! Allah yesberkum!

    While I was reading your post, it reminded me, Subhan'Allah, of my father. Same thing, he died after 45 days in the hospital, the funeral went by so fast (he died 8 in the morning and was buried by 1 pm). He had a smile on his face as he passed away and it made us realize he is no longer suffering. :)

    And just like you, although I never ever heard him say anything nice like "habibi" or "I love you", I knew deep down he loved us all very much! He was a good man and I am sure your dad was one too! :)

    Now, the best thing that you can give your father is lots and lots of du'aa and ask Allah to have mercy on his soul! Subhan'Allah, it does reach him.:)

    Allah yerhamu wa yej3alu min ahl aljannah be ithn Allah........

  12. im so proud to know some1 like u
    that thinks this way

    3a'6am allah ajrkum o a7san 3azakum, yes its never 2 late for anything n u discover the best in the darkest times

    allah yr7amah ya raaab o yjm3kum feeh fe janat elna3eeeeem

  13. Your attitude and love for your father are truly inspiring. I wish you many happy memories of him.

  14. alhamdullah you know this is the way to move on your life by remembering his shiny smile


  15. Ever,
    Thanks a lot dear . you are amazing and so sweet. thanks for your lovely words and support and prayers :)

  16. Haitham,
    آمين يارب
    اكيد الفراق صعب
    لكن التذكر بانه ذهب لرحمن رحيم يكفي للابتسام و الفرح


  17. Aynur,
    exactly and that's why i think that nothing will surprise me ever. To see the beautiful transformation, it's nothing but a big and beautiful gift and you can do nothing but smile :)

  18. Strawberry,
    ياعمري انا
    الله يسعدك دنيا و اخرة و يبعد عنك الاحزان

    الدنيا صعبة و متعبة احيانا و علشان نعيشها لازم نتغير

    موت والدي و كل شيء صار بعده اثبت لي ان الدنيا ان شاءالله بخير و جميلة فليش مانبتسم


  19. My Sky,

    الله يرسم الابتسامه على وجهك دائما و ابدا
    و يبسط لك السعادة و الخير في كل امور حياتك ياعزيزة

  20. Susanne,

    thanks for your sweet words dear.
    Life is a struggle but this one i want it to be my choice. And i am still smiling :)

  21. Dr.N,

    i missed you a lot and inshAllah your moving has been nice and easy.

    Thanks for your nice words :)

    And AlahamduliAllah always :)

  22. Jaz,


    Thanks a lot for your amazing words. and your support :)

  23. Manal,

    Allah yer7am your father and mine ya rab and may they be in heaven :)

    See like i , i choose to see the good things and they were good. And did good. Cuz nothing is lost with Allah :) .

    May we join them in heaven inshAllah :)

  24. nosa,
    thanks a lot for your nice words and support. You won't believe how your words and everyone who send their best wishes and prayers helped and still helping me. life is good, is not it ? :)

  25. dad,

    Amen :)

    thanks alot for your beautiful wishes :)

  26. White,

    i will never stop remembering his smile. It's very beautiful :)

  27. nissan,
    معليش حبيبتي اعذريني على تخطي تعليقك, العتب على النظر

    و صدقت و الله من نحب سنذكرهم دائما و ابدا و اعتقد اني لو كنت انا من مت فلن اريد لهم المعاناة و البكاء الدائم, اتمنى ان يتذكروني بابتسامه و ذكرى جميلة
    و سأبدا انا بتذكر احبابي بهذه الطريقة
    الله يجمعنا بهم في دار الحق ان شاءالله

  28. melicieuse,
    forgive me for passing your comment dear. i am so sorry.

    inshallah he is in peace now. as for me , i know i will break down one day on the road but i do know too that i will rise up again. it's choice we make and i need to do the right one for him, me and my mother :)

  29. What a beautiful way to remember your father. It seems like I was reading about my dad. He too died on a Friday. His funeral too was quick and easy and his face shone (he was smiling). He too is greatly missed and my mother who was never kind to him missed him dearly.

    So sweet ya Wafa. May Allah continue to give you great courage and strength just like He is doing now, ameen.

    Much love,


  30. عظّم الله اجركم...والله يرحم والدك و يتقبلة

    والله يجزيكي الخير على كلامك الرائع اللي بين ان والدك رحمة الله عليه احسن تربيتكم ما شاء الله عليكم, و هاد ان شاء الله حيكون من اسباب دخوله الجنه

  31. Suroor,
    Subhan Allah how strength and faith Allah put in your heart during such great pain.

    Allah yer7am your father and grant him jana ya rab.

    Thank you so much for your beautiful words :)

  32. Whisper,
    جزاك الله كل خير عزيزتي

    الله يرحمه و يرحم جميع الموتى و يتغمده برحمته و الجنه

    و شكرا على كلامك الجميل, الله يعطيك الف عافية

  33. Hugs my dear sister in Islam, thank you for sharing such a beautiful post.
    You've paid a great tribute to your father and to your family.

  34. Sole Sister,

    inshallah i could of have done what you said towards my father and family :)

    Thanks a lot for your nice words :)

  35. 3atham allah ajrk
    Alllah yr7mmah ya rab

    Girl I’m speechless towards this post. You’re just an amazing human being and I love you.
    Tons of hugs :*:*

  36. Faith,

    Amen ya Rab :) . Jazaki allah kol kheer.

    Thanks a lot for your beautiful words, believe me when i say they made my day :) .
    I love you million times :) . you are amazing and welcome back :)

  37. i feel so bad it took me so long to even know of your fathers passing.
    i hope that the memories and emotions that came to surface recently will carry you and your family though these days.
    god bless your father!

  38. angie,

    it's ok dear. I was so worried about you for not posting in your blog so a long time. I hope things are fine with you and your family :)

    And thanks for your prayers and nice words dear :)
