Rabu, 17 November 2010

Are You a Feminist?

Why do some terms faces with huge refusal and hostility in the world in general but specially in our Islamic and Arabic worlds. Is it a religious reason? or are we this scared to accept something probably new to us ? 
words like feminist and secular are way overrated, i guess. 
What do you think ? 

are you a feminist? do you really know what it means? what do you think it means? 
usually a feminist is looked at in our Arab world as a woman who act like a man by having a loud voice, smoking, telling vulgar jokes, fighting with men and is against religion. 

What do you think feminist mean ? 
Are you one ?

I like to believe that i am a feminist, i actually i guess i am one. 
Why? let me tell you  ...

First, the political definition of feminism is " a movements aimed at establishing and defending equal political, economic, and social rights and equal opportunities for women".  Now someone else may don't agree with that based on what they believe or taught to believe. But that's not good, because we supposed to have a mind of ourselves and to think for ourselves. 

So i do believe and fight as much as i can even with my limited resources and means for the rights of women.
And i do believe that i am -as a woman- is equal to man whomever this man might be. I was created to worship Allah and help building Earth like every other man. 

My body says that i can have babies, but that doesn't mean i am less than a man because of that. And doesn't mean that those who can not have babies or don't want to have babies should stay at home because the majority is . Doesn't have a baby doesn't make you or me less woman. It's a choice. Some men don't want to be fathers or can not have them and that's OK. 
A certain man's body says that he is stronger than me but that doesn't mean he has to work and i can not because of that . Other men are weaker than me and what about older men or ill ones, shouldn't they work or should they stay at home because of that? and what does that makes them ? or of them ?  

We are born equally and if someone is good in taking some verses- from the Quran- out of context it doesn't mean that they are right. Women as much as men can read clearly and interpret the Holy Quran, nothing says that only men can do that. 
Women work and fight during the time of the prophet and he didn't ask them to stay at home. Neither do his caliphs. 

I can write endlessly about this and will do so next time. But to summarize it all, being a feminist is not wrong.
I am one, and i don't tell vulgar jokes , i hate smoking ,i used to like casual clothes but now mainly my clothes are so nice and elegant, i have a loud voice but i am very good in keeping it low. 

I am a woman who believes that women are underrated and that they deserve better chances and equal opportunities. Actually we don't deserve, this is not  a charity thing. These are our rights which taken by us in the name of weakness and religion wrongfully. 

If you are a women or a man who fights and believes in the equal rights of men and women , then you are a feminist. Don't be afraid or comment angrily, think for yourself. 

20 komentar:

  1. A very interesting article Wafa =)

    Feminism is a social movement that evolved to address and develop certain elements that were missing from Marx theory. The movement tried to correlate Capitalism with the oppression of women, and sought equality between women and men.

    Many joined the movement for the sake of the later goal, but not the former.

    However, the term "Feminism" grew some bad reputation for itself. It evolved to become another oppressor of women, because it expected that they should act in certain specific ways; feminists never hesitated in insulting any woman who opted for a typical woman life, calling her brainwashed and too stupid to decide for herself.

    Anyways, I am in for the empowerment of women. We empower them, free them from superstitions, and let them decide for themselves.

  2. First I love what you wrote,and I couldn't agree more that men and women are equal,but I do not like to call myself a feminist for 2 reasons
    1-calling myself a feminist obliges me with things I may not be able to do.. or sometimes even believe in things I don't exactly quite grasp,for example I do not think women can do everything a man can...we are equal but we're not alike,god made us different,not just physically but emotionally,psychologically and mentally.. according to our duties..I'm not saying that every woman who wants to be a bus driver has something wrong with her,but I'm just saying she is doing something out of her nature and her body and mind were not designed for such job..
    Prophet Mohammad said "refqan bil qwareer" I love that Hadith because it explains how gentle and tender women are..not from the outside but also fro the inside,they should be doing what helps them be comfortable and protected and I think that is what the prophet peace be upon him meant.
    2-it puts me in the same category with people who think that forcing their perspective of freedom on others helps them get out of "oppression"
    see what I mean: http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs279.snc4/40275_1447333460676_1153375642_31104086_8378824_n.jpg

    and that is the complete opposite of freedom,real freedom means to let people decide what they believe in and what they like to do with their lives..

    But I definitely appreciate what you believe in and what you do
    I personally like to help people,and when I see something wrong I point at it,but I wouldn't call myself a feminist

    One more thing...I wasn't surprised to read the stereotype you have about feminists..but mine is very different
    My stereotype of them is that they are pampered rich ladies who like to look intellectual and smart and generous..they know nothing about freedom because they never tried to live without it..and they come with their luxurious clothes and cars to teach other poor women about "freedom"...all self-righteous and proud of themselves,while they know nothing about the suffering and pain these "oppressed" women went through their whole lives..and I hate that..if you don't know about it then shut up...I hate them!

    I don't hate you lol...just saying..

  3. hope all I wrote didn't go to waste,it seems that it's gone!
    ehe2 ehe2 :'(

  4. My personal opinion, I am not with equal rights and opportunities simply because men and women are not the same. Neither is better than the other, they are just different and things that suit women different than what suits men, and vice versa. :)

  5. Haitham,

    i couldn't have said it better :)

    what i tried to state here is the good side of the word, because in every movement -and in general- there are those who would like to take it to the extreme. I have seen women who have been called bad names for choosing to stay at home or wear Hijab ...etc. for me, it's all about deciding for yourself and if she said she did then i do believe her, why wouldn't i?.

    well, i guess you are a feminist then for believing and working in that direction :)

    Thanks for visiting and commenting :)

  6. Rain,

    nope what you have written has not gone, it's here :) i do have moderation .

    It's always interesting reading your comments and insights, love to get fresh input from young ladies :)

    1- you don't have to call yourself a feminist or anything but you are one if you do believe that.
    i do understand the general statement that "women can not do everything a man can" but that doesn't make it right.
    i don't think that a person who can go through the menstruation pain monthly and give birth to many kids is a weak one or that there are things they can not do. i think that there are weak people and strong ones regardless of their genders.
    yes, you are right. we are equal but we are not alike. and so you and i, we are equal but are not alike despite being also women.
    no body is like any other body.
    i have seen and dealt with women who have no emotions and dealt with men who are amazingly emotional.
    and who and where does it say that driving a bus is only for men. Yeah they probably were the first to drive it but that doesn't make it their nature and not mine. It's just a car, which i can not drive here not because i am less or don't know how to, it's because i am looked down at as less.
    There is nothing in God's words that says it's not my nature to drive a bus, and nothing says that my mind and body can do it. i am smart i can learn and so is every woman and my body can handle it.
    Plus it may seems strange and not womanly in our societies but not in other societies.

    2-that's the problem with every movement. if you are not with me then you are against me.
    and that's where smartness comes, if i am fighting for my rights, it doesn't mean i am against or want to oppress children or men. it's not that way, at all. "Reading the article after this, i promise".
    and i like what you say about freedom, but unfortunately women are always the women suffering from oppressing freedom, women are always number one victim.

    as for the stenotype of feminists, that's not "mine" that's how they are portrayed and seen. and believe me they are. I have been living lone than you,lol

    Those women you describe are stupid and bullshit "excuse my language", now i am curing.lol

    They are not feminist, they are empty headed women who thinks they know it all when they do.
    You know who is mostly against women driving in Saudi Arabia amongst women? they are the rich who have drivers taking them everywhere, who knows nothing about the abuse of drivers and the stupidity of waiting to do something and can not do it because you have no driver or can not take a taxi. They are the same women who said that women suffer nothing in here and we are living happily and it's just a "few" of us who suffers because our male relatives are stupid. Cuz they know nothing. don't let me talk about them, they are stupid and they give feminism a bad name when they are actually not one.They just in love with fame and have a huge free time in their hand.

    and i don't hate you at all lovely.
    and thanks for your nice words :)

  7. Rain,

    lol now i know why you said it seems that's it gone. i got the same message too. lol
    thanks god they are here .

  8. H.
    i understand and respect your opinion although i don't agree with you that we are not the same.
    but what i like most is " neither is better than the other"

  9. Thank you for a very interesting read Hajar!

    I definitely consider myself a feminist, as I believe in equal rights and opportunities for men and women. That doesn't mean that I believe that men and women are the same, clearly our bodies are built differently and it's also been shown that our brains function differently. I do however not believe that that should be held against anyone - male or female. If a woman wants to be an engineer or police officer - fine by me. If a man wants to be a nurse or work in a kindergarden, I think that's awesome.

    We have big problems with stereotypes in Denmark as well, very few women would label themselves as feminist. This is because feminists here are seen to be loud, men-haters, bra-burning, masculine bitter women (lesbians). still choose to call myself a feminist though, because I believe that's the only way to "take back" the term, and show people what feminism is really about. (in my opinion, equal rights and opportunities).

    Rain, I agree with you completely when you said that "real freedom means to let people decide what they believe in and what they like to do with their lives". However, I have to disagree when you say you don't want to call yourself a feminist because that'll lump you together with people who force their perspective of freedom on others. That is the equivalent to saying "I won't call myself a Muslim, because there's fanatics out there who blow themselves up and kill lots of innocent people". Clearly, in this case, just because there are some people who are giving something a bad name, doesn't mean the rest of us shouldn't do our best to instead show what "real" feminism or Islam is about. If that makes sense.

  10. dear wafa',

    (regardless of all expressions and definitions),i do believe and agree with you that women are underrated,mentally and physically.
    and they should be respected for what they are , not for what they can do .
    still i don't believe that any woman should become a copy of a man in the name of women empowerment or women's right.

    men and women are two individuals that are so different from each other.
    its not right for women to insult themselves trying to prove that they are capable of every thing a man can do,,(sure they can ...but simply they shouldn't)
    because life is not a competition between them.

  11. I'm mortified!

    Hajar should've been Wafa', this is what happens when you jump from blog to blog. Pleaes accept my sincerest apology!

  12. Becky,

    it's ok dear, i thought the same. you must of have been by Hajar's blog and then come here :)

    we are equal, not similar but not different. And i agree with you about our bodies and brains but that doesn't mean that there are some things that are designed for women and some for men aside from what's natural like giving birth.

    And well said about " take back" the term :)

  13. naysan,

    see this like is enough for any person with a brain that really works ( and they should be respected for what they are , not for what they can do .) .at first, it was all about imitating men and doing everything they do to fight the oppression they have been into but i guess it's more and more of equal rights and equal opportunities and the rest is for the woman herself.
    I honestly don't like to be like a man, i just want to have equal rights. i am not lesser than him because i am a woman and not better than him too.
    But unfortunately it's society and mainly men who made it look like a competition by undermining every single call for the rights of women.

  14. Becky,

    it's OK dear, i honestly understand. it's a simple mistake, happens to the best of us :)

  15. You know what you're right,maybe I was judging from my own perspective,maybe there are women who feel capable and welling to be bus drivers and that is their choice..you reminded me of a study by the way ,that showed that women can tolerate pain 9 times more than a man lol,so yeah what the heck,just because they did it first doesn't mean we can't do it! :D

    and as for these women,you're right they're really full of it!god,don't you hate them! :S

    LOL @ the comments thingy,it happened to me on Hajar's blog too,I almost died! XD

  16. Thank you Wafa' and Rain, I'm still mortified but at least I know I'm not the only one to make such mistakes...

    I read about that study too, really interesting. I've also heard it said that if men had to give birth the human race would soon be extinguished...

    I also understand where you're coming from, I'm a very "girly girl" in some ways, and could never imagine becoming a truck driver or a mechanic - I just don't feel that means I should prevent other women from doing it if that's where their talent and dreams lie.

  17. Becky,
    I'm so sorry I haven't seen your reply to me before now!
    You're right,just because there are people who misinterpret something doesn't mean it is wrong,but I just can't get over the image I have about them,you should see the empty headed women who come to lecture us about freedom in our uni.!!!
    and also..the word is just too big for me lol.."I'm a feminist" naaah lol
    Big LOL at "human race would soon be extinguished"
    gosh...MEN! XD

  18. Rain,

    oh we do can tolerate pain much more than men. watch them when they got fever, they are babies :P

    we should give these women a new doll to enjoy and destroy.

    i will not write a long comment again, i almost died of shock, lol

