- A Saudi doctor is at Mina right now and she is reporting from there about My Hajii Mission Dairies 2010.
- Becky posted about the BBC's List of 100 Books.Go through them and check what have you read and what will read next.
- ( in Arabic) Sad pictures of the first attack on the church in Iraq.
- I would say the same about Muslims and Islam as my friend Susanne said about Christinaity in Why I Struggle with Christianity.
Women's issues :-
- I can not begin to understand the trauma a rape victim might be in if cross examined by her rapist.Don't Want to Be Interrogated by Your Rapist? Then You Have No Case.
- When are we going to love our bodies and be proud of our different sizes no matter what ? . Why I Love Being a Size 12.
- Want to know how it's not easy to report a sexual harassment or talk about it ? Read Women Must Speak Out NOW About Sexual Harassment
- One of the most disturbing news i have ever read . 10-year-old gives birth in southern Spain.
- Are we hurting our children by allowing them to be different at early ages, or shall we let them be who they prefer ? . Mother sparks child welfare debate after posting picture of her 'gay' five-year-old in fancy dress on the internet
-Sex Trafficking in the Middle East . An awful story of one young Iraqi girl. Kidnapping, Tribal Reprisal Upend Iraqi Woman's Life.
-If you love small animales, then these gorgeous pictures are for you . Cutest Book Ever: ZoonBorns Internet Craze Moves to Print.
-Family. If you have been blessed with a great one then you are one of the luckiest. Steve Mccurry post beautiful pictures of Family, Nature's Masterpiece.
-Ten month after the Earthquake in Haiti, Cholera has hit the devastated island. Scenes From The Cholera Outbreak. Be advised they are not pretty pictures.
- Amazing pictures of animal migration in Great Migration.
- The world is looking at Mecca these days. The World Comes to Mecca.
- A breath taking pictures of North American Indian in Captured: North American Indian Photographs by Edward Curtis.
- Can worshipers be divided according to their wealth? . Maybe not in the worshiping place but definitely else where. Mecca goes upmarket but commercialism unnerves some.
-Have you ever read about people finding money stolen from their account while their card is never been stolen. Maybe some thieves have hacked the ATM ?. Here is 5 Ways to Spot a Hacked ATM.
-I think i have huge fear of pain in general. i am not sure if it turns into a phobia or not, but luckily my fear is not one of the 10 Strange Phobias.
-A 10-year Census of Marine Life has come to a conclusion on Oct.1. Read more here.
- don't let the article How Humanitarian Aid Prolongs Wars stops you from helping. Read it and if you decided not to help again , then help individual people instead of big organization or start helping your community and the poor people in your city. And it may another opportunity to call for peace everywhere no matter how silly this sound.
- It is considered an insult to point your feet (particularly the soles) at another person or to display them in any way, for example, by resting with your feet up. And i can confirm that. So you may need to read 13 Examples of Good and Bad Manners Around the World.
- A Heart warming story . Britain's only polar bear who spent 13 years without a friend finally has company.
- What are the 5 secret for a long life ? . Britain oldest man only remembers four of them. 'There are five ways to live long - but I can only remember four' - UK's oldest man celebrates his 108th birthday.
- Only fathers can show this kind of love . Father Vows to Run 100 Marathons in 140 Days.
-I love learning languages and i do believe that another language is another life. Here is why learning a language is way better than translating. Translation Mishaps and Learning Languages.
- Don't be fooled by appearances. Sometimes a gift is actually a curse. The grandmother, 61, with the smooth face of a 40-year-old... due to collagen skin disorder.
Human Rights:-
-Another sad story of torture and abuse for an Indonesian woman in Saudi Arabia. Indonesian president condemns Saudi torture of maid.
-The stupidity of some Saudi judges is being comprehension. Saudi Arabia: Journalist Sentenced to Public Lashing.
Arabic Articles :-
متى تقوم وزارة العدل باصدار قرار حاسم بمنع هذه الصفقات هذا ماتتسائل عنه أميرة كشغري بمقالتها عن زواج القاصرات تحرير قاصرة ام تحرير مجتمع
نحن بحاجة إلى علماء بهداهم نهتدي، يحسم رأيهم جدل المتجادلين، لديهم الكلمة الفصل ولكن دون كهنوت وإقصاء لرأي مجتهد، ولكن عندما يتحول العلماء إلى "كتاب" يبدون وجهة نظر في قضايا اجتماعية حمالة أوجه، تختلف قيمها بين ثقافة وأخرى، وبيئة وبيئة، قضايا لا يمكن حسمها بجملة "هذا حرام" بل إن العلماء أنفسهم لا يحرمونها إلا بعد عملية التفافية طويلة بنثر جملة من الاحتمالات أمام بوابة سد الذرائع فحينها يكون التحريم ليس للفعل نفسه بل لنتائجه المحتملة، حينها سنواجه مشكلة حادة، مجتمعا وحكومة، نحتاج للعلماء وليتهم يتكاملون مع الفريق. بعضا ممن جاء في مقالة جميلة لجمال خاشقجي بعنوان الحاجة الى العلماء
Thank you for sharing your links! And thanks for the linkback.
BalasHapusI read about the 10-year-old girl recently as well and was absolutely appalled! It's horrible.
I also really enjoyed your articles on woman's rights/issues, the issues concerning rape and sexual abuse are horrifying. I can't imagine being put in a position where I'd have to be interrogated by the man who raped me or drop the case.
I'm happy to say I knew about most of the cultural customs, though I wasn't aware that showing your wrist was disrespectful in Greece. You learn something new every day.
BalasHapusthe 10 year old girl makes blood boils in my head. it's so sick.
As for the girl who couldn't testify against her rapist, it's very strange coming from a country that is all for women's rights.i honestly cry reading this story.
I am glad you liked the links, and you are welcome :)
I so enjoy these posts, but you make me have more things to read!!! :-P :-D
BalasHapusi am glad you enjoyed the links and yup the more you read , the better it's :)
you give us books, i gave you links :)