Jumat, 05 November 2010

Friday Good Reads (11/5/2010)


-Stephanie Sinclair, b.1973, is an American photojournalist known for gaining unique access to the most sensitive gender and human rights issues around the world. Just be advised that some of the her pitures are horrifying , but despite their horror, they are a must see http://www.stephaniesinclair.com/

- photographer Jason Lee's most delightful work may be when the lens is aimed at his two adorable daughters, Kristin and Kayla.

- We typically think of terrorism as a political act.But sometimes it’s very personal. It wasn’t a government or a guerrilla insurgency that threw acid on these women's faces. Another horriyfing pictures that need to be seen.  Terrorism that's personal

- In early October, 2010, the ancient pagan tradition of Druidry was, for the first time, formally classed as a religion in Britain, Here is a look at Druids: Mystery, Faith and Myth in photography.

-Will Southern Sudan become the newest nation in the world ?. Time magazine has this Photo essay.

- How come we only care to help when a disaster happen and when the media stops the coverage we stop caring and helping ? Haiti is still in pain and now plugged with choleraHaiti, Ten Months Later

-Amazing pictures about Herds in Iceland

-We are very good in destroying our country. Sumatra Deforestation.

- Fathers . 

- The return of Bandar and who will be the coming king of Saudi Arabia in Bandar is Back.

-Former NPR analyst Juan Williams, among other ignorant people, has an irrational fear of Muslims, and thinks you can identify them based on what they look like. will Muslims do wear all sorts of things so there is no such a thing as "Muslim garb" or a Muslim look. Check them in Muslims Wearing Things.

-What is Sharia law ? is it a law or a set of principles ? Who's Afriad of Sharia Law ?

-Homosexuality in Islam . 

- The attack on the Our Lady of Salvation Church in Iraq. Was it political or religious ? .Church Attack Seen as Strike at Iraq’s Core 

Does Islam Really Subjugate Women? . Depends on whom you are asking. 

Health :-

- Beautiful steps in preparation for the fall. Fall Projects for Your Home, Yard, Body and Mind.

- The human brai n is like a library that stock s memories instead of books. In some ways, that makes the hippocampus, the part of the brain most involved in memory, the brain's librarian. These are the ways to improve your library " memory". Top 10 Ways to Improve Your Memory.

- Winter is approaching and so is flu. These are some Ways to Avoid the Flu.

-The Dalai Lama shares his belief in the surprising power of laughter and smiles to reach other people, even our enemies in an excerpt from his new book, My Spiritual Journey. Why I Laugh

-If you are interested in seeing photos of famous paintings posting in ultra high resolution , Then visit this amazing site. The Haltadefinizione project .

Natural leaf carving is actual manual cutting and removal of a leaf's surface to produce an art work on a leaf.Check it in Leaf Carving Art .

-Dimensions takes important places, events and things, and overlays them onto a map of where you are. Amazing site. BBC Dimensions

- When the fact is too confusing, you can turn to this site for help.Fake Science

Society :-
- Your name could be your ticket to hell or heaven in an Arabic Country. What's in a name ? for Iraqi's  Saddam Hussein , A Lot. 

-10 Ways to Tell if Someone Is Lying to you . If you are interested !!!

Arabic Articles:-
استخدام الاباء الخاطىء للولاية دفع البعض الى اطلاق صرخة بعنوان كفى عضلا

صور لمدينة بيروت يعود عمرها إلى نحو 140 عاماً هنا

فتاة غزاوية عبرت بصدق عن كل الدعوات المجنونه للحرب. أصحيح ماتقول يازهار من سيران نوفل

رحلة صحافي عاصر الحرب السعودية مع الحوثيين التى بدأت شرارتها قبل عام  مع نزوح و هادي فقيهي

عمل المرأة كاشير حرام.. ماالدليل من القرآن و السنه  كاشيرة حرام... شحاذة حلال

ماهي قيمة المرأة الحقيقة؟؟ مادية و معنوية و نفسية ؟ بدرية البشر في مين قدك يارجل

    د. هتون الفاسي تتسائل أين هي حدود مسؤوليتنا الشخصية تجاه العماله التي نستقدمها لتقاسمنا حياتنا بحلوها و مرها ؟ في

خليها على الله حياة السعوديين ماشية على البركه كما تقول حليمة مظفر

هل نحن في حاجة الى بيروستريكا ؟ فهد الاحمدي يعتقد ذلك  في نحن ايضا بحاجة الى بيروستريكا

4 komentar:

  1. lovvvvved the one about Muslim people wearing things :D
    and loved Earth's Fractal Patterns as well,astonishing!did u see the snowflakes!!
    amazing photos of these little sisters,so cute!*_*
    thnx Foof!

  2. Rain,

    yea i loved the idea of Muslims wearing things. And i like how we can protest something this peacefully and
    in a funny way.

    And You are welcome dear :)

  3. Salam Wafa',
    As usual, thank you for sharing! Just about to start reading now, and I'm really looking forward to it :)

  4. Becky,

    w'Salam :)

    i hope you will love the links and find interestings and good things to read.

    and you are welcome :)
