Minggu, 16 Mei 2010

I am in a Dilemma

About three weeks ago, i was talking to some of my students about volunteering and its importance to them and to those unprivileged .
They liked the idea a lot and decided to have some events to sell some stuff to gather money . We actually found some people who need it.
But then the first problem happened...
We are not allowed to collect money in public places such as schools.
Thanks to terrorist and the way they used to collect and launder money. It's a long story.
They were down a bit but then they some suggest that why don't we have it privately and collect and disturb the money ourselves.
I liked the idea but then you have to think that the words will spread and it's still not right to do it at school since i am a teacher at this governmental propriety.
Things were quiet for sometime. but I couldn't forget about all these people I now know about and who suffer.
Today, I asked one of my student about her poor neighbor( who is a woman of course ).
She and her family have been without electricity for sometime -in this heat-and shortage of food-thanks to the responsibility of their father- .
She told me that she was shy to come talk to me and that her family managed to give them a bit, I explained to her that this is not right and we can't be shy talking about such things, cuz they will be the victims of our awkwardness.
I talked to some of my friends and asked them if the can spare some money for a poor family. And some say ok.
Now here is my dilemma :-
I can not guarantee that my colleagues will donate every month.
I can not guarantee that i will help those people every month, i have a huge debt and responsibility every month so sometimes i may not be able to give a thing.
So it's not fair letting these people hanging and helping them a month and forgetting about them the next.
Someone would say how about the governmental institution and Private ones?
They usually require lots of papers and stupid things to enroll you and then give you small things.
Unfortunately though people pay Zakat but it's not shown in the country and the poor are even getting poorer. it's another long story.
I thought of having a pay pal account and ask for donation and help through my blog .I Just thought about the money coming to my account, is it a problem with the law i mean or is it up to me ? i don't know anything about the legality of such things.
I want to do something that will last for those in need even if it's small. So what shall I do ?
Life is not fair and i want to make it easier a bit.
Please I need you thoughts about how to help and if this pay pal thing is good or bad idea .
I need your ideas of how to help, any idea will be appreciated.
And thanks in advance :)

15 komentar:

  1. You're so kind! Maybe you and your collegues can help them out when you can, but explain to them that you might not be able to help every month? I think the paypal idea is a good one! Even if we can just spare a little bit each it all adds up.

  2. I agree with jaz, though you may not be able to help them each month, still some help is better than none inshaAllah :-)

  3. ITA with Jaz! masha'a'Allah your kind! (((hugs)))

  4. Hello wafa
    Ma sha allah 3anek, really I am so glad that there is some people still think about poor people, donate when u have, and in the month that u don’t have لا يكلف الله نفسا إلأا وسعها
    But wafa u are teacher, so u can call ur colleagues, who work as a teachers, to go to those poor people and teach their kids, 2 or 3 lessons monthly, that will give them better future I think, that will help them to build their personallities, I know it is hard, but as I said before لا يكلف الله نفسا إلا وسعها
    Thank u wafa for post

  5. Wafa,

    You know what I would say about this. Of course, "Paypal" is a GREAT idea. Why not? But then I have to be completely honest with you from experience. DO NOT COUNT ON IT AT ALL!!! :(

    If you remember, we did a post a while ago, specifically last year about our son, Sinan and how we are struggling to get him ABA therapy, the ONLY known therapy that helps with children with Autism.

    Well, if you remember we set up a "Paypal" account and a button on AbuSinan's page. To our avail, we have not even received ONE months pay for ABA therapy.:( So we knew that this was not going to work for us especially because we needed this for Sinan for at least a year if we were to gain anything out of it. ABA is an ongoing process, not something that you can do for a week or so and then quit! I wish it did work like that!:(

    Anyway, my dear, I do not want to sound so negative but I also do not want to give you false hope! Like those who have said here, it's something better than nothing.

    We are soooooooooooo thankful to those who actually thought about us and gave. It really means more than you could ever imagine! With the amount that we were given, we took the money and paid off several medical bills that pertain to Sinan. So, it was helpful in every way, Alhamdulillah. But as far as it goes with the ABA? I am sad to say, this is nothing but wishful thinking for us! :( We will continue to hope and pray and someday, God will provide somehow! Insha'Allah......

    Alhamdulillah for everything............:)

  6. Wafa,

    Could you please give me your email address? I looked every where here and I can't find it. If it is here, forgive me ,I just can't see it! lol I NEED to email you about something. Thank you,I really appreciate it!


  7. Jaz,
    thanks a lot dear :) and i guess that's what i have to do, to work with my collegues and hopefully it will work.

  8. Ever,
    thanks for your idea and inshaAllah it will be helpful .

  9. Texan,
    thanks a lot dear :)

    and i think i will go with that idea , too .

  10. نادر,
    life can be easier if we think of each other and help those who are not lucky. Life is tough .
    i like your ideas, thanks a lot :)

  11. Manal,
    when i thought of Pay pal, i honestly thought of Sinan's situation and wanted to ask about your experience with it, but didn't know how to approach the subject. I really apperciate what you told me here. Yet, i am sad that things didn't work the way you want it. But inshAllah things will be better soon , Amen :)

    i think i deleted my email from here by accident, but it's still in my profile page i think. Anyway here it's

  12. since the schools dont allow you to collect money, why not have a few drives?
    like maybe adopt a family, or multiple families.
    and 1 month have a food drive. where you ask your students,or anyone in the school to each bring a can of food. you could dontate this to the family. your students can decorate a large paper, and wrap it around a bin, and leave it at the class door so others not in your class can dontate if they wish to.
    then the following month you can have a clothing drive, everyone can bring clothes that dont fit them, but are in good condition to donate.
    theres so many different drives that could really affect people in a positive way.

    i hope you class is able to come up with something.

  13. I think a Paypal button might be worth a try, it doesn't cost anything so even if you get a little bit of money it's better than nothing.... and if you can post how much money in Riyals you need/would like that'd be helpful for us to figure out how much we should/can give. I can use a currency converter website (like www.xe.com) for fun too. ;)

  14. angie, great ideas . i will see how can i achieve them. thanks a lot sweetie :)

  15. Aynur, little is better as you said. i will check more about it. And then probably will post one soon inshAllah . thanks a lot dear :)
