Rabu, 05 Mei 2010

Now That's What I Call a Great School .

According to Dr. Aied Al-Qahtani from king Saudi University obesity between Saudi has affected 60 % of the population. A study stats scary numbers ,8 million Saudi kids and children are obese!!! . And the percent is 28 among school children .

So if parents care less about the health of their children, the school should.
After all it's one of its rules. And here comes this amazing one.

An intermediate school in the city of Taif (the western province of Saudi Arabia) held a healthy program for its student to help them lose weights. And stay healthy.

So far the school has honored two of the students who joined the program and managed to lose weight by giving them free subscription to a private clink to check their health while following their healthy program to lose more weights.

one of the students has lost 15 kg and going from 124 kg to 109 kg. ( it's so sad to let them go this big ) ,another one has lost 5 kg going from 94 to 89 kg.

The principle of the school Eid AlOrabe said that the program has encouraged many more students to join :)

Now that's what i call a great school and a great principle.

The program will affect the student's life for ever.

I raise my hat for such amazing and inspiring person and people :)

Here is more information about obesity

What is Obesity?

An obese person has accumulated so much body fat that it might have a negative effect on their health. If a person's bodyweight is at least 20% higher than it should be, he or she is considered obese. If your Body Mass Index (BMI) is between 25 and 29.9 you are considered overweight. If your BMI is 30 or over you are considered obese.

What is Body Mass Index (BMI)?

The BMI is a statistical measurement derived from your height and weight. Although it is considered to be a useful way to estimate healthy body weight, it does not measure the percentage of body fat. The BMI measurement can sometimes be misleading - a muscleman may have a high BMI but have much less fat than an unfit person whose BMI is lower. However, in general, the BMI measurement can be a useful indicator for the 'average person'.

2 komentar:

  1. its important for us to keep our children healthy! they are our future.

  2. angie,
    and it's all start at home and since some parents are careless, this school was a role model in how to do it.
