Selasa, 11 Mei 2010

International Nurses Day

How many of you know that there is a day called International Nurses Day and that it's being held every year from the 6-12th of May ?
I have not known a thing about it.

What a job !!!
being a nurse is not an easy job at all.
I am not that much in love with being a teacher and it's a huge responsibilities and difficulties but i think being a nurse is even more difficult.

Going around hospitals and clinks in Saudi Arabia, one of the things to notice is the shortage of Saudi nurses- male and female-.
Though it's been one of the sectors that most Saudi girls are attending but being a nurse is still a not favored job in here.

Here are some difficulties Saudi female nurses face and they are SOME only.

First: there is the assumption that mingling with men is forbidden. So lots of people would prevent their daughters from being nurses- yes that's another thing , a girl can not study ANYTHING without the approval of her male guardian- . And those who managed to do so are not look at in any good way. People think they are corrupt morally.

Second: if a girl is a nurse then she had to go through all hospitals shifts and there are the night shifts which no one wants. Because going back to your home late at night or early in the morning is another bad thing for WOMEN.

Third: people have no respect for nurses, all nurses, and mostly look at as if they are maids to order and control-and i discussed the way maids are treated here before so if you read that then you got the idea-.

Fourth: some of the nurses are given work in administration and medical records which is not their job to begin with and lead them to lose their practice in what they have been learned.

Fifth: nurses complain all the time about the assaults they got from patients and their relatives claiming that the nurses were rude and didn't cooperate. ( didn't cooperate in the Saudi dictionary means they didn't do what you want ).

Being a female nurse in Saudi Arabia is a tough decision , yet every year more brave girls made that tough choice and go ahead to being an angle of mercy in a place that have no mercy for them.

For all nurses of the world and all Saudi nurses God bless you and May your job and life filled with gratitude and smile, lots of them.
You deserve better than what you got :)

10 komentar:

  1. Hooray for nurses! You are always sweet to remember people this way! :)

  2. To be a nurse is to be tough specially if your a woman nurse(there are only few male nurses in the world). In America and in other countries the environment creates a good atmosphere for work. However reading your blog made me to be perplexed with nurses working in Muslim countries and even made me proud of their bravery and courage. These women in uniforms and scrubs are the real heroes of our generation for despite great obstacles they continue to persevere on helping patients to get well.

  3. Susanne, they are great people, are not they ? :)

    and thanks a lot dear for your lovely words :)

  4. Peny113,

    couldn't have said it better :)

    thanks for your encouraging words. I wish more people will realize their great effort and the hard work they do.

  5. Sonnet,

    Thanks for your wishes :)

  6. there is lots of pressure to be nurse in my family there is nurse once her mother told us she is really tired on her job .. Gog bless all the nurses they take tough time

    and i knew about nurse day because few years ago my father bring with him after work news paper from SAUDI ARAMCO they were talking about this day and from that i know ..◕‿◕..

    thank you for remind us ♥

  7. White,
    do you like being a nurse dear? or is it just your family ?

    And indeed they have a very tough time, Allah ma3ahom :)

    I am glad someone knows that, cuz i was so ignorant about it. we should know more about it and spread the word.

  8. Actually i don't ^_^
    but there is alot in my family love to be nurse

  9. white,
    it's one of the jobs that need to be loved to practice.

    And glad that some of your family members like to be nurses. it's amazing :)
