Minggu, 15 November 2009

When I Was in Love ....

it was long time ago, and nothing reminds me of that time and how sweet and painful like this song...

i think it's one of the most beautiful songs for Fairuz, an angelic voice indeed :)

10 komentar:

  1. Fairuz is the best to listen to in the morning in the way for work besides my collection of great music of course ;)

  2. I wish I could understand the words to see why it reminds you of when you were in love. It's pretty!

  3. Poet, is not she the best to listen to in the morning ? . she is amazing and no one competes with her :)

  4. Susanne, indeed it's pretty and this lady's voice is the best. i tried to translate the lyrics for you, of course you know poems and songs are going to sound different from language to another. it may not sound as beautiful as it's in Arabic, hope you will still like it though :)
    here are the lyrics:-

    ( When we were at the dorr saying goodbye..
    the light is showing slowly..
    i'm staring at you, can not say a thing...afraid that you would say goodbye and won't come back...
    closing the door, watching you on the road..
    thinking of running after you..
    And the rain is falling and i can not see you..
    running after you, stretching my hand..
    calling you to wait for me and you can not hear me..
    you won't come back, i know that they have changed you....
    oh baby, they have tortured me and you...
    kepping us sleepless, separating our hands...
    And we were afraid to meet..
    we won't meet but to say goodbye.. )

    Susanne, it reminds me of when i was in love, it was a beautiful experience though it ends. and it ended nicely :) hope you still think the song is pretty ..

  5. Nice song indeed, Muse.
    It is also one of my favorites.
    It says a lot of things, and the voice of Fairuz adds more to its transparent sadness.
    I think the music here is composed by Felemon Wahbe.
    I also love another Fairuz song titled "Yarait". The music is also by F. Wahbe
    It is a wonderful song, and you will love it always, no matter how often you listen to it. I think Wahbe's music for Fairuz will live for long, long time to come. And what will be left of Firuz in the long run are those beautiful songs.
    Generally speaking, anything, any song, any word, any sigh, any whisper uttered by Fairuz goes right deep into the heart and mind.

  6. This is really nice song.Though, I don't listen to songs as much as I listen to music played by Armik :)

  7. Prometheus, woow what you wrote makes the song sounded even bettet, you are amazing with words Prometheus :) . indeed the music if for Felemon Wahbe and the lyrics are for Joseph 7arb. i think Fairuz did great with Felemon's music, she is great with all kind of music of course, but she is so deep and warm and emotional.i don't know where does greatness come from? is it Fairuz's voice or the lyrics or the music !!
    Yarait and Lama 3albab goes side by side for me, they are amazing.

  8. female symphony, will look for this artist and listen to his music, i know a lot of people who likes to listen to music more than songs, but some voices are must listen to :)

  9. Yes, thank you for translating it for me! :) Very pretty!

  10. Susanne, you are welcome dear :)
