( This is the story of a six-year-old girl named Elena. In her last days, she showed a community how to love and how to live. Written through the eyes of her parents, Brooke and Keith Desserich, as a remembrance for her younger sister, her daily story tells one of humility and inspiration as she lives each day, one at a time. In her short time, she painted a masterpiece that would hang in an art museum, accomplished a truly spectacular series of wishes that she alone created and inspired a cause that continues today to help children everywhere in their fight against brain cancer.)
Oh Allah, please don't let anyone suffer such pain and tragedy, i know it's a silly prayer cuz there are millions of people die everyday and suffer from pain, but it's just a wish .
Very touching.
BalasHapusI'm with you in these wishes and prayers. It shows how our lives are matter of finite and unworthy things in all means….
BalasHapusAmeen. There's no such thing as a silly prayer
BalasHapusHopeless Poet, indeed it's .
BalasHapusWhispering Thoughts, life is short and full of great moments , shouldn't be spent in pain and agony, let alone such pain for a small age.
Anonymous, thank you.
You know our story, but it is story's like this that make us say "Alhamdulillah". No matter how hard we have it there is always someone who has it worse. I dont know how parents who have lost children handle it.
BalasHapusابو سنان
BalasHapusi am not a mother but i always wonder the same, how can they survive the loss. May Allah keep and save your two adorable kids :)