Rabu, 18 November 2009

Another Disappointment.

well today is the first day of a holiday,,
last weekend we decided to go to Jeddah for a few days, just for fun and it was approved, my mother, sister , father and me will go. we had our reservation and all.... but the typical family of me started arguing, my brother who barely could keep a job wanted to go and said that he would definitely going to have 10 days off , why didn't he mention that when the plans were put ?? don't know. we left to the mall, came back and he suddenly come with the news. we knew him, he would sacrifice his job to go have fun, no sense of responsibilities at all. we ignored the news and acted like we didn't hear anything. the next day my father started to complain that we would leave him at the hotel there alone , and that he wanted my brother to come along..we explained to him that we wouldn't do such thing , but he refused to listen and the two of them-brother and father- started to mock us with comments like ''oh you have the money, give it to us instead of spending it on a vacation'' ,''oh you are rich so at least give us half of that money'' ...stupid things were said and we decided to go against it. my mother even said it if my brother is going then she is not. so everything was cancelled and they were happy... our trip should be today at 10:30 :( .
we have not gone anywhere for over 7 years and my mother was looking for this.. a few days of fun gone.
the fun side of the whole thing is that no school for two weeks :) ( i am learning to see the fun and positive side to everything )

i keep visiting this funny site, that keeps you smile and happy all the time and this is one of their videos , don't tell me it didn't draw a smile on your face :)

7 komentar:

  1. Sorry to see your plans fallen apart! I think I know how it feels to wait for something for so long and then the plans get ruined!
    But at you said, at least you have the 2 weeks holidays and you have Fairuz songs to accompany you ;)

  2. Hi Muse! I am a little upset at some of teh attitudes in your family. Maybe your you and your mom could go without all those trouble makers...

    God loves you, He sees your disappointment. May He bless you with another plan for R & R. :)

  3. it's me, kinzi, I couldn't get the verification to accept my comment!

  4. Im loving the positive attitude :)
    Happy Eid and vacationing :)

    -- Those babies were adorable!!!

  5. Poet, it's sad but as you said i have a lot to accompany me :)

    Kinzi, oh believe me dear i am so much upset over the attitude of my family but what can i do , i am stuck with them and as for why the three of us can not go alone, well that's another story :)

    Mature, indeeed sweetie that's the best i can do be positive and realistic :)

  6. I'm so sorry your vacation plans were ruined. :( Hope you are enjoying your time off from work and happy eid!

  7. Susanne, thanx a lot for your beautiful wishes. at least there is no work, that is a big reward :)
