Senin, 25 April 2011

My Aunt

My oldest aunt and my mother's closest sister had passed away this Sunday :( 

She was the sweetest lady and she was sick for a long time, thanks to diabetes her whole body started to go off about two years ago, her kidney, her eyes..etc. 
Two months ago she had a stork in her brain , it was tough but she was speaking , not normally but she was not in a coma and everyone was hoping that she will get better soon. T
hen a week ago she got sicker and they had to transfer her to Jeddah, a few hours before she passed away she awoken , talked to her daughters and even ask for coffee...but you know death, it comes when you are not prepared. 
May Allah rest her soul, she suffers a lot. 
الله يرحمها و يغفرلها

What really kills me is that her favorite son, the youngest one is studying in America and since it's impossible for him to be here on time, the whole family decided not to tell him. 
The worst thing is that no one even told him that she get sicker and had a stroke a month ago, every time he calls they told him she is asleep !!! . 
And now he is coming back at the end of this month and it's really scary and sad, at least how i think of it, coming back not knowing that his beloved mother is gone and not only gone but been gone for a whole month is devastating !!. 
I told them to try to tell him but they keep insisting that he has exams and that they wouldn't want him to fail in his exams !!!
but aren't these only things that we can do over and over again if we wish but not having the chance to say goodbyes to our dead mothers and fathers is just a once in a life opportunity !! 

I hate judging people but this is the worst -in my opinion- that anyone can do to anyone else, taking their chance to say goodbye to their loved ones away :(

update: alhamduliAllah they finally reasoned and decided to tell him.

20 komentar:

  1. im sorry to hear about this dear. but u know what im scared of his reaction once he come back home knowing that his mom is no longer around :( i hope he wont be piss of about it n blame others.hope she rest in place n place


  2. عظّم الله اجركم و ربنا يصبركم و يصبر جميع اهلها و محبينها

    انكم تخبرو ابنها او انكم تستنو لييجي...الحلين صعبين

    اكيد وداع الاحباب صعب جدا و لكن انّا ما نحصل على فرصة وداعهم اصعب, يمكن اهله فكرو انه لو اجا بده يخسر الفصل الدراسي

    الخير فيما كتبه الله
    و ربنا يصبره بس يسمع الخبر المحزن

  3. I am so sorry for your loss, Sweetie. :(

  4. الله يرحمها ويجعل مثواها الجنه...اكيد صعبه على الابن المسافر...لكن انا معك كان لازم يخبروه على الاقل لو ودعها على التلفون وسمع صوتها وهي تترضى عليه

    الله يرحمها وعظم الله اجركم

  5. كيفك وفاء ...

    الله يرحمها ويجعل مثواها الجنة

  6. My deepest condolence for you Wafa' and your family.

  7. I'm sorry. inaa lillaahi wa inaa illayhi raji'oon...

  8. Oh my god poor guy!!!! :(
    I'm so sorry Foof allah yer7amha ya rab :((((

  9. I'm so sorry,Wafa! Hope Allah blesses her soul.And I think it's a terrible thing to withhold info about a mother's death.I wonder how his reactions will be when he learns the truth.this is so sad.

  10. Farsilla,Whisper,Susanne,naysan,nader,Dr.N,Texan,Rain,Lat.

    Thank you all and inshAllah she is in a better place now :)
    And they did tell her son and alhamduliAllah he is fine and handling the situation well.

  11. I'm sorry for your loss.

    inaa lillaahi wa inaa illayhi raji'oon

    I'm happy that they finally decided to tell him.

    My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

  12. allah yerhamha... my deepest condolences to you and your family. May you all have the strength to endure this difficult time.

  13. I have given you my condolences but want to say again just how sad I am to hear about your loss :( Aunts are so precious and I'm sorry you lost a precious soul.

    May Allah have mercy on her soul.

  14. Allah yer7amha, Wafa.
    She sounded like a wonderful person. May God rest her soul in peace.
    Allah ysbrkom <3

  15. عظّم الله اجركم
    الله يرحمها ويجعل مثواها الجنة

  16. Becky,Sharifa, Metis,Athoug,Susu,

    Thanks a lot for your wishes, prayers and kind words.

  17. الله يرحمها و يحسن إليها

    عظم الله أجركم يا وفاء

  18. رحمها الله وجعل مثواها الجنة ان شاء الله
    ورحم كل مواتانا المسلمين في كل مكان
    عذراً على التأخير

  19. الله يرحمها ويجعل مثواها الجنة
    My sincere condolences.

    I hope to read more of your posts soon.

  20. Haitham,Freedom,Saleh.

    Thank you a lot for your kind words and wishes .
