Jumat, 25 November 2011

Child Abuse ( Watch If You Can )

These are the ones I could watch..and post. It's just so painful and what hurts most is that the children have gone through this horror. 

Don't think that it only happen to "them" and not "us"..it's everywhere. 

Kamis, 24 November 2011


I wrote this in 2010-09-06 but never post it. Now I feel like it's the time for it. 

First of all, let me say that this topic is not directed to anyone in particular . It was a mere response to some posts i have been reading lately and talked about it before in my blog. 

Why the hostility? 
Why the prejudice? 
Why not trying to understand ?
Why not trying to respect and cherish ?

I am from one of the most ............... areas in the world 
( fill in the blank , but let me give you some choices, can i ? - sophisticated, beautiful, dangerous, poor,rich, stupid, colorful .....etc - you can add yours if you wish ) 

I used to have many pen-pals from all over the world at the university, before being able to have friends online in these days- and we used to discuss and talk about lots of topics. 
Some would be surprised to know that i am from Saudi Arabia, a strange land to them. some knew a lot about it while others don't even know where it is located . One of them was from China, she was so sweet, when we talked about politics and what the media said about China, she would simply say that people and media have to see things from the point of view of the Chinese people, to be in their shoes. 
I never forgot her words .

Being a huge reader of everything, I can say that in the eye of the media we are all awful people. 
when i say "we" i mean the whole world. 
Right now, it's Muslims and Arabs. Some of it because it was our faults and some aren't. And our faults means the faults of SOME not ALL. 
some Muslims kill themselves and terrorize others in the name of Islam and colonialism. 
But did the media -west ,east, north or south- done any good about it? . It's easier to simply say ALL Arabs and ALL Muslims agree with that. 
Did the media try to show the good ones, the ones who refused that and they are by the millions btw ?
No, why? because simply .Good News are not News .

When America with the help of Britain attack Iraq did the media shows us that thousands of people protested against that war ? Our media ? Rarely. 
Does our media shows how is tony Blair being attack everywhere he goes to prompt his book and keep calling him a war criminal ? 

even hate speech are ok with me, they have to hate as much as they like and i don't have to listen but i can not and shall not stop them in anyname. when these speeches turn into action then yes legal steps must be taken. And we can explain ourselves.

But are there anything we can not discuss on blogs .

This says that there are ten things shouldn't be discusses online which are :
1-the middleeast
3-jesus christ
4-race relations
6-gun control
7-the holocoust
9-origins of man

They are mainly talking about the United States, 
what about the middleeast?
the Arabic and Islamic countries?
Saudi arabia ?

why are we so sensitive to critizisem?
why do we have to assume that everyone lives a happy life ?
why do we all have to see life in the eye of only a specific group ?
what about others?
do miniority have any legal rights to speak?

Update: 24/11/2011
it's so disgusting with all the hostility going on towards the Shi'ite in my country. 

Senin, 21 November 2011

Great Women: My Gifted Studnets

To the two of you " A " and  " H ", your determination and enthusiastic were amazing, I wish that you can go on with the same beautiful spirit and the same light in your eyes to achieve much more in your lives.
I told you before that by going on and taking the step forward you show your true courage . I wish life hand you more success now you know the tough road to get it.
And I wish  I can let you read you this to know how I feel :)

There is a big increase towards gifted students these few years in Saudi Arabia. Despite having the worst kind of education but those working in the field of gifted students are the best.

This year I am the one responsible for finding and encouraging students who might be gifted and would like to participate in different categories. Lots of them were interested but were so afraid to continue due to their studies.
Two of them were very much interested and still. My work is to guide them through the process of their work, of finding the perfect objects, doing the best research, seeking help from professionals, being their voice at school and giving them the necessary documents to make their work easier. It's been tough but amazing work.

Today,I went to a primary school with one of the student to complete her research and it's unbelievable how kids can be helpful. She was shy and didn't know how to get the answers from them, so I took the lead and start asking them the questions she wrote while she record their answers. She was happy-as she told me later on- that i helped her tho i was worried. And I never knew that kids can be this cute :) . When we finish they were in line to shake my hand and ask me to come teach them the next term :). But seriously the result of the questions scared me so much.

Next Monday, my student will go to the first round of the competition. I encouraged them a lot, yet made it clear that they might lose, but that this journey will teach them great deal and that they can develop it even more for next year if they didn't pass this year. They assure me that if they didn't win, it's OK, that they liked the journey so far.
But they are 17, can they accept defeat ? On Sunday, I would be with them in organizing everything but on "The Day" i won't. I am glad and sad at the same time. Happy so i won't annoy them with my worrisome and sad cuz I want to be there whether they are winning or losing, but the good thing is that their families will be with them.

Anyway, it's a beautiful short journey so far and I have enjoyed it so much to the extent of envying them and wishing that I can participate, too :)

Kamis, 17 November 2011

Smile Train

Tough to look at !! 

imagine how hard their life can be.

Please help. 

Great Women:The 12-Year-Old Girl Who Raised $250,000

Her name is Rachel Wheeler 

She is 12 and she raised $250,000 to build 27 homes for earthquake-torn Haiti. She started at the age of 9. And here is her story. 


Rachel Wheeler has spent a large part of her life dedicated to the relief effort in the desperately poor Caribbean country of Haiti.
Her tin-rattling, pledge-inducing exploits have raised an incredible $250,000 which has been spent on building 27 homes on the earthquake-torn island.
All in all, not bad for a 12-year-old.
The families in the village of Leogane were so delighted with their new homes, they have baptised the housing development 'Rachel’s Village'.
But her dream has not stopped there. She now wants to rebuild the local school, which was severely damaged in the 7.2-magnitude earthquake which devastated the country in early 2010, killing 316,000 and leaving 3million homeless.
'Life is life,' she told msnbc.com. 'You can't expect to change Haiti overnight with the snap of the fingers. You have to work at it. You have to make it happen.'
Three years ago, when she was just nine, the Florida youngster tagged along to a meeting about the charity work being carried out in Haiti by Food For The Poor.

There, she met Robin Mahfood, the head of the aid agency, who described the famine, disease and homelessness affecting the children so badly.
But just as her mother, Julie Wheeler, thought her daughter didn't understand what was being discussed, Rachel stood up on a chair in front of all the adults and pledged to build 12 homes.

 What a relief: Nine-year-old Rachel is surrounded by grateful Haitians in Leogane. The families were so pleased with their new homes they have named the development 'Rachel's Village'
Humanitarian effort: Not content with just building homes, Rachel also delivers care packages to villagers on the earthquake-struck island

Rachel ran bake sales, passed the tin at homecoming games and sold homemade potholders at her Zion Lutheran School in Deerfield Beach, Florida, it was reported on msnbc.com.
Through her Facebook page and by word-of-mouth, a cherry farm in Washington heard about Rachel and sent along the proceeds from one of its season's harvest. 
Another generous donation came from a family that regularly supports the overseas work of Food For The Poor.
Rachel, who has been to Haiti twice to see the abject poverty first-hand, has more than doubled her promise.

A family enters their new abode for the first time. Such was the alien environment of these houses, many of the residents had to be shown how to use a lock and key

Safe haven: Workers build the concrete, earthquake-proof homes in Leogane - 27 of which have been paid for with money raised by Rachel over the last three years

She spent $170,000 on brand-new earthquake-proof cement structures that shelter 27 families in Leogane, a small fishing village outside of the capital Port-au-Prince.
Many of the residents had spent their whole lives in makeshift homes and tents - Food For The Poor needed to give them instructions on how to use a lock and key on their new abodes.
Mr Mahfood said Haiti would be a 'completely different country' if everyone helped like Rachel had done.
'After nearly two years (since the earthquake), there is still so much great need. The children are experiencing an incredible amount of pressure. 
'There aren't enough schools to go around and there is a lack of clean drinking water. People don't have the ability to look after their children properly or build their own home. There is so much unemployment it is unreal.'

Teamwork: The youngster with Robin Mahfood, the head of aid agency Food For The Poor, whom she met at the meeting in Florida three years ago which encouraged her to help out

Determined: Rachel ran bake sales and encouraged businesses to donate money to make her promise a reality

Rachel has about half of the money needed to re-build the Reap de Morel school in Leogane, where 200 students learn in classrooms that have no walls, a patched tin roof and dirt floors.
Classrooms are partitioned by bed sheets. The school 'library' is a simple wooden table displaying no more than 30 tattered books. Each child owns just a single pencil and notebook.
Food For The Poor has worked in Haiti for 25 years. The charity runs hundreds of food pantries that feed more than 400,000 people daily and supports dozens of free health clinics.
Many young Haitians suffer from deadly diseases such as cholera, which has killed more than 6,200 Haitians.
If you want to learn more about Food For The Poor and Rachel's cause, go to www.foodforthepoor.org/rachel

For the video go the source