About two month ago, i applied to be a vice principle. And earlier today i knew that the interview will be tomorrow.
A bit shocking, i wish they informed us earlier, but it's no surprise like everything chaotic in our life.
"sigh", i had only two interviews my whole life, one when i first applied to the university and it was quick and fun, the second was four years later when i applied to be a teacher and it was similar, very quick and only kind of formality.
I am a bit worried for different reason and none of them related on getting the job or not.
First, i hate gathering and i know that hundreds will be there tomorrow.Second-which is new to me to find out- i hate interviews :( . i hate being asked any kind of questions, period. So can i get the job without being interviewed !!.
Third, i hate checking on details too much, things that might mean nothing to me but everything to them, like the way i talk ,dress ...etc.
Why i am applying for this job ?
because honestly i had it with teaching and with my diabetes things are getting tougher for me especially with too many classes and the attitude of today's generation.Thank god i am not a mother ''big sigh of relief" :)
So far, my mom and the school principle know for sure that i am getting it !! "women".
Update: to continue their chaotic, it turns out that today was only for the written exam !!
Good luck! I too am sure you will get the job! :D
BalasHapusMore importantly, I am sure you will do a good interview, and then let the chips fall where they may, as is so often the case! :D
Good idea to head into administration. In some ways it will give you more impact on what goes on in the classroom.
Best wishes, dear Wafa! I'm sure you will do great! :)
BalasHapusI love that middle picture. :D
Salam my sister
BalasHapusI want to say that I like your article.:)
and I hope that you pass the interview and get the job with out any problems.
Good Luck:)
Good luck and all the best. I am quite sure it will be OK. It is quite late now, but you should look at job interviews as 2-way mechanism. They ask you and you should prepare questions to ask them. It is important that you ask questions: first you should know some (non obvious) information about the new job and the new Environment (if changing environment); and the second, you will give the impression that you are active and try to learn and make decisions based on "knowledge and information".
BalasHapusLooking forward to hear your good news.
So how did the exam go?
BalasHapusأنا عكسك تمامن
BalasHapusبحب مقابلات الشغل
كتير قابلت ل شغل بحياتي,, وحتى لمى كنت ناويه أرجع ل شغلي الحالي قابلت أكتر من شركه وإنقبلت ف معظمهم
المقابله,, متل ما إتفضلتي بتحدد كتير من مستقبلك بهاي الشركه
وبتعكس شخصيه المدير اللي بقابلك وبتعطيكي فكره كويسه عن طبيعه شغلك الجاي
حبيها,, للمقابله,, بلكي إتيسرت هالمره
صباح الخير يا حلوه
how did it go?
I hope YOU asked some questions too :)
PS: what attitude? This generation is awesome ,, :Pp
بالتوفيق وفاء....وربنا يختارلك الاحسن واللي فيه راحتك....طمنينا على النتيجه.
BalasHapusThanks for the vote of confidence my dear :)
i believe that too being in administration might even give me a greater chance to do better work, but will have to wait and see if i pass the exam.
BalasHapusthanks a lot my dear.
will have to wait and see how greatly/badly i did :)
BalasHapusW'salam dear. Inshallah things will be fine, we will see :). thanks a lot for your wishes.
BalasHapusi don't know if they ladies would appreciate a 2-way interviews. They are more like our political dictators than professional executives.
But if i have the chance then i would definitely prepare some questions for them :)
BalasHapushmm tough question, but let's say i depend on my self answering the 60 multiple questions that they may not like it :D
BalasHapusاعتقد انه مقابلات الشركات بتختلف عن المقابلات اللي هنا. الشيء المخيف فيها انها بتعتمد على الشخص اللي امامك مو على قد ايش انتي اتوفقت او لا
عموما هو كان اختبار و نشوف اذا اتوفقنا فيه رجنا للمقابلة و اوعدك اذا صار دا الشيء راح اغير موقفي و احبها فعلا يمكن تكون غير
BalasHapusلسه ماطلعت النتيجة
بس زي ماقلت لـ zer2d انا اعتمدت على نفسي اعتماد كامل من دون الحاجة للاطلاع لا على كتب ادارة او غيره, يعني ممكن اؤلف كتاب بعد كدا في الادارة على طريقة وفاء
P.S: ابدا ابدا مافيهم شيء جيل اليومين دي, رائعين و مشرقين و جميلين
BalasHapusان شاءالله ربي يكتب اللي فيه الخير, اذا جات انا مبسوطة و اذا لا اذا ربي بعد عني الشر
Sorry for the late reply Wafa', any news?
BalasHapusHope it went well!
BalasHapusit's OK sweetie :)
If i don't know how corrupt we are, i am sure now. out of 700 they only have chosen 30 or less despite the huge need of deputy principles.
of course no one we know have been selected tho they have worked really hard in the exam.
i am not sad at all, it's not meant to be :)