It's been sometime since i have invited Haitham to a guest post and it's finally arrived :)
For those who don't know Haitham -i suspect that though- he is an amazing blogger with two blogs.
( Observation of a tired soul - and - تأملات غير آملة )
Thanks to Haitham ,i have been introduced to a lot of Jordanian bloggers whom i am so proud to know.
Haitham lived in Saudi Arabia for a few years and he decided to write about his experience in Saudi Arabia in this post.
I hope you will enjoy the post as much as i did :)
Haitham, thanks a lot for accepting my invitation and thanks for being you , the supportive, the generous and the amazing friend we all happy to know :)
P.S: If anyone is interested in writing a guest post whether you are a blogger or non, on any topic you wish. i would love to hear from you on (
It`s my last week in Saudi Arabia!
It`s been quiet a journey for me/us here, 3.5 years of full adventure ,, in more ways than one :)
We resided in the southern province, a city called Khamees Mushait
It`s nearly 2200 meters above sea-level, the weather is cool and it rains almost all year round , we don`t use AC's, would you believe :)
My family already left and I`m finalizing matters, it feels funny to be…. leaving! This is the only place I`ve/we`ve been out side my home country.
Our daughter, now almost five, lived most of her life here :)
We have so many memories, both good and bad.
I will never forget this city
All through the first apartment, the very first car, first "major" accident, first Umra "small pilgrimage" , the Hajj " pilgrimage", the minor accident with the water tank vehicle
,, my students and their endless stories,,, all of it is an eternal interwoven part of me now,
I`m going to try to capture some of that "all"
In this city you will not find taxis!
Yep, none… this was a shocker when we 1st came as we had no car yet, the
only means of transportation is this
"صورة دبّاب"
There are a few buses but sadly unreliable
Driving here is a mess [in lack of a better word]
I used to be "used to!" a much better driver but now I`m a semi-reckless one, I think it grows on ya!
I guess if women are allowed to drive in this city it would be messier! Don`t get me wrong now ladies, I`m just referring to the # of accidents, not saying females cannot drive :)
Some of the things I hated here is the enormous quantity of water bottles thrown EVERYWHERE!
Also, people spit a lot! They simply open their car doors and spit!
It IS a phenomena
I also hate how many many people, especially youth, treat certain nationalities whom are here to make a decent living.
It`s just not right! I have been in countless situations where I fiercely reacted to such incidents, people come to this country with specific expectations and sadly a lot of those get distorted by the way Saudis treat them (not all of course)
I think that`s why every once and a while you hear stories that reflect a kind of reaction to this mistreatment (cockroaches in coffee cups, kidnapping of youngsters, strangling of employers , …) I used to think that these stories are mere exaggerations but I lived to see that they are not!
I saw more snow in these 3.5 years than I have in my country! I had to slot that info in, yes :)
I loved how the mosques smell on Fridays, loved how I learned to use the Siwak [I hope I carry that habit on!]
Elderly people looking behind them once the prayers r over always made me confused! Later on I discovered they were looking for the kids and whether they came to the prayers or not :)
May be the single most important thing I "really" learned while here was the ability to NOT judge based on appearances! It`s twofold actually, as some large portion of people here do fall into that fallacy and many others -also-
teach you to look into souls and judge by that, not superficialities, I can`t explain it even if I wanted to! No examples can illustrate it in writing, u just have to live it!
Certainly, the Abaya is something not to be missed here, I never tried it on [disclaimer :P] but through convos with my wife I believe Abaya enhances communication skills; in ways that it forces you to concentrate on reading the "other" in a different way - without the visual cues, hairdo, gestures, … you begin to shift your attention towards eye
contact-it`s all what you got!-
you listen "more", with empathy, you have no covert distractions
it`s interesting to say the least and I`m going to stop right here regarding this :)
Had many confrontations here and there, with police, al-Hay`ah, colleagues, students, strangers, yooooooooooooooooou name it :D
but all in all I think I did good! Not going to claim I made a real difference, even in my tight circle while here, but I`d dare to say that I was a more beneficial person than not!
Going to cut the way right here and assert that these are MY reflections, not passing judgments or making generalizations, and I know my thoughts are unorganized but I just wanted to write as the flow goes without editing nor rephrasing
I`d love to end with my own Saudi-Jordanian dictionary,,, here`s some jargonY education for you [in Arabic]
أحلّق = أقص "الشعر"
شُعور = شعَر
عوائل = جمع عائلة "و هي صيغة جمع صحيحة بالمناسبة"
عُزّاب = جمع أعزب
أخبار علوم = شو في ما في
أفّاااااااااااااا = و لو! / أكيد
دراهم = مصاري / نقود
مسموح = مسامحك
وِرِع أو بِزِر= ولد / طفل
حذيان = حذاء "أكرمكم الله"
أُقرُب = اقترب
شِلّه ْ = شيله / خذه
باقي = لسه؟
موتور = سيارة
سوا سوا = لا أدري ما مكافئها! لأن لها "استخدامات" متعددة
100 100 = مي هميه = إنو ممتاز و عال العال
بتحلّم = أحلم
أرحمك = أحس معك / أتعاطف معك
حُكُم = بالضبط (كأن تقول ألقاك الساعة السادسة حكم) :)
على خشمي = على راسي أو عيني
ما يحتاج = يعني مثل: بس بلاااااااااااش
أوصال = شقف "اللحمة" :) و السقف عندهم هنا = كوكتيل مع قطع فواكه بداخله :)
لَيْ = بربيش
أبغى = أريد / بدّي
يمديني؟ = بلحّق؟
جبّوع = طاقية
ثلوث = الثلاثاء
ربوع = الأربعاء
كلمات و عبارات أحببتها و متداولة بكثرة هنا:
بيّض الله وجهك
تم و ما تاكل هم = بمعنى أبشر / و لا يهمّك
ما أدري + ما دريت
يرحم والديك
أذكر الله = زي "بالله عليك" عنا :)
غفر الله لك
الله يكتب أجرك
أرقد = أنام
الله يسلّم ذا الوجه
و الله إني صادق = ما إلكو علي يمين :)
Thanks again Haitham for the guest post. I enjoyed how wise you are and learning how not to judge anyone.
BalasHapusand despite being a Saudi, i honestly never heard of some of these words so thanks for the lesson :D
كتيير انبسطت وأنا بقرأ ^_^ :)))
BalasHapusHi Wafa! good choice, Haitham is a favorite of mine although I missed this one. Happy Saudi days!
BalasHapusThanks Wafa' and Haitham for this excellent post!
BalasHapusIt is wonderful to have an Arab expat's perspective, and one of an area of Saudi not usually feature on blogs.
Haitham, I assume you are doing the dishes! ;)
great post haitham,very interesting to read.
BalasHapusthanks Wafa` for posting :)
BalasHapusand many thanks to all the great people who read ...
BalasHapusواانا انبسطت انك انبسطتي بالموضوع
BalasHapusI guess he is a favorite for all, no surprise here since he is this gentleman we know :)
BalasHapusYou are welcome my dear :)
I enjoyed his prospective thou i wanted more details, maybe next time :)
BalasHapushe is a good storyteller, is not he ? :)
BalasHapusyou are welcome and i am sure a lot have enjoyed the post. so far 52 have read it in two days :)
r u hinting that I should pay? :Pp
BalasHapusooooooooh, u must mean the commission ,, loool
jad thanks wafa` :)
BalasHapushmmmm << thinking how much should you pay, lol. how much can you pay ? << 6ma3t :D
oooooooooh, that`s sweet of ya! U wana pay ME!
BalasHapusno need ,, no need at all ,,, looooooooooooooooooooool
(u know now what does haitham need as a bday gift: reading glasses :P)