Senin, 25 April 2011

My Aunt

My oldest aunt and my mother's closest sister had passed away this Sunday :( 

She was the sweetest lady and she was sick for a long time, thanks to diabetes her whole body started to go off about two years ago, her kidney, her eyes..etc. 
Two months ago she had a stork in her brain , it was tough but she was speaking , not normally but she was not in a coma and everyone was hoping that she will get better soon. T
hen a week ago she got sicker and they had to transfer her to Jeddah, a few hours before she passed away she awoken , talked to her daughters and even ask for coffee...but you know death, it comes when you are not prepared. 
May Allah rest her soul, she suffers a lot. 
الله يرحمها و يغفرلها

What really kills me is that her favorite son, the youngest one is studying in America and since it's impossible for him to be here on time, the whole family decided not to tell him. 
The worst thing is that no one even told him that she get sicker and had a stroke a month ago, every time he calls they told him she is asleep !!! . 
And now he is coming back at the end of this month and it's really scary and sad, at least how i think of it, coming back not knowing that his beloved mother is gone and not only gone but been gone for a whole month is devastating !!. 
I told them to try to tell him but they keep insisting that he has exams and that they wouldn't want him to fail in his exams !!!
but aren't these only things that we can do over and over again if we wish but not having the chance to say goodbyes to our dead mothers and fathers is just a once in a life opportunity !! 

I hate judging people but this is the worst -in my opinion- that anyone can do to anyone else, taking their chance to say goodbye to their loved ones away :(

update: alhamduliAllah they finally reasoned and decided to tell him.

Senin, 18 April 2011

Who taught you to hate the color of your skin? Who taught you to hate the texture of your hair? Who taught you to hate the shape of your nose and the shape of your lips? Who taught you to hate yourself from the top of your head to the soles of your feet? Who taught you to hate your own kind? Who taught you to hate the race that you belong to so much so that you don’t want to be around each other? …Who taught you to hate being what God made you?
— Malcolm X

Who taught you to hate, period ? 

Kamis, 14 April 2011

Good Reads April 14 2011

Two of the good articles i read today, one in Arabic and one in English, enjoy .

From Life without Limbs to Life without Limits

You Don't Have To Look Like This

Why do I or any woman have to look like this to be considered beautiful ?

Why don't we have enough self respect to ourselves and our bodies to let others decide for us what is beautiful and what's not ?

Senin, 11 April 2011

Nationality الجنسية

Let me begin by a saying i love and believe in 
"Nationalism is a disease" .
And despite believing in this , I still believe in the right for all to have a nationality and a place he/she can call home.

I remember when picking this book thinking it seems about a Saudi guy writing about non-Saudis but i was in for a surprise. The author was actually non-Saudis who has lived almost all his young life in here.
I loved how he gave a prospective to those Saudis without nationalities as i like to call them. People who have been born and raised here but don't have the Saudi nationality cuz their father is not a Saudi.

The book is called " The nationality" or الجنسية in Arabic. 

 The author is Mutaz Quttainah 
معتز قطينه

It is not a novel nor an autobiography. It's a mix of both probably. It's not perfect but if you look outside your nationality and all these nonsense as i think of then you would understand it.

Saudi Arabia is a big country with a small population and it's rich too which attracts lots of people from different places with different abilities. Unfortunately, it's one of the countries like most Arab countries that wont grant you its nationality even if you are born on its land or stayed for a long time.

I wrote about the real Saudis without nationality in here before. 

The problem is that there are no good reasons for such laws, some have been here for over 40 years and still didn't get the nationality. 

I can understand the frustration of someone who has been wanting to be recognized as from this country but I can not even dream of understanding what's it like for someone who has born here and can not be considered a Saudi cuz he/she doesn't have the nationality. 

I quote some of Mutaz's words from the book 

" لقد كنت دائما مزيجا بين اثنين, دون ان افكر بالامر على محمل الورطة , فالاجنبي الذي يعيش فلسطينيا في السعودية هو ذاته الذي يقضي 
صيفه السنوي سعوديا في شوارع القدس "

" I was always a mixture of the two without considering it a dilemma, for the non-Saudi who is Palestinian in Saudi Arabia is the Saudi spending his yearly summer in the streets of Jerusalem" 


"عالم مجهول بيوت الوافدين العرب ! لايعرفه احد و لا تسلط عليه 
العدسات "

"The houses of the Arab workers is a mysterious world, no one knows what's in it and no one cares" 


"و اقتحمنا المكتبه العامة المجاورة لمدرستي الابتدائية لنستعير قصص الاطفال و انتظرنا تحت شجرة اللوز البجري آباءنا لـ يقلنا الى منازلنا في نهاية اليوم المدرسي. كانت تتشكل شخصياتنا سويا و تحمل صفاتنا التى تاثرنا بها بعضنا و اثرنا بهاعلى بعضنا قبل ان نعود الى اسرنا التي تخلق في شخصياتنا انفصاما و في السنتنا لهجة اخرى و في 
حياتنا المنزلية قناعا مختلفا عن و جوهناالتي نحملها في المدرسه "

" we invaded the public library near my primary school to borrow children's book and we waited our fathers below the almond tree to take us home at the end of the day. Our personalities were forming together with our similar characteristics before going back to our families which create another personality with another accent and another face than the one we carry at school"

"نادرا ماكنا نرى في المدرسه طفلا اجنبيا غير متفوق, لقد كانوا يعلموننا اننا اتينا هنا و نحن غرباء و علينا لكي لانفضح انفسنا الا نشمت بنا احدا "

" Rarely have we seen a non-Saudi who is not hard working and smart. Our families taught us that we are strangers and we shouldn't let people gloating on us"


"لم يدركوا ان حقيقة اخرى اخذت في النمو بعيدا عنهم, ان هويتي الفلسطينية التى غرسوها هذه السنوات لم تعد تشكل العصب الوحيد في تكويني فثمة ملامح سعودية في لساني و اخرى مصرية و جزائرية و يمنية "

" They have not realize the other reality that has started to grow away from them. that the Palestinian identity they have install in me is not the only things running inside of me as there are other Saudi,Egyptian,Algerian and Yemeni features in me" 


" كيف يفكر هؤلاء الاباء , يغرسون ابنائهم في تربه يختارونها و يعتقدون ان بامكانهم في اي وقت ان يطلبوا تحويل الحصاد الى تربة اخرى"

"How do parents think when they grow their children in another place thinking they can and at any time ask them to switch their life to another place ?"

"لماذا نحن اجانب ؟ و كيف تشعر حين تكون اجنبيا "

"Why are we foreigners? And how does it feel to be one? "


"ان حياتنا المشتركة مع اخواننا السعوديين شكلت في دواخلنا عقدة نقص اسمها الجنسية .......وكل منا له في هذه الجنسية شأن ...."

" Our live with our Saudi counterparts grow a complex inside of us called the nationality and each wants it for his own reason"

" رغم ان حياتي في السعودية لم تكون اقل ايلاما ,فحين تسمي انظمة الارض و قوانينها ابنها اجنبيا يمضي حياته و هو يشعر انه البطة السوداء القبيحة "

" Despite having a tough life in Saudi Arabia but when the land and its law calls its son a foreigner, he spends his life thinking he is the ugly black duck" 

"لماذ يعتقد ابناء القبائل  ان الهوية السعودية تخصهم وحدهم وان الجنسية السعودية التى يحملونها لاتكافىءالجنسية التي يحملها القادمون من اقاصي اسيا و الشام و اقاصي افريقيا "

"Why do the Saudi from a tribal origin thinks that the Saudi identity is something belong to them only and that the Saudis from the far Asia , Africa or from Syrian or Lebanese origins are not equal to them "


I hope that these words have got you a glimpse into what's the book is all about. And probably into the mind of Saudis without nationality. 
And i hope without high expectation that the day people like Mutaz and many who known no land but this to be equal to me in having the nationality. 

Kamis, 07 April 2011

Minggu, 03 April 2011

Maher Zain -ماهر زين

This is the first time i heard the name of this guy and listened to one of his songs which i loved and made me look for more of his work .

He is a Swedish from a Lebanese origin. ( Source )

And here are some of his works :-


The Chosen One


Yanabi Salam alayka

I couldn't stop smiling listening to the last one :) 

The guy has a beautiful voice and songs indeed .