Minggu, 03 April 2011

Maher Zain -ماهر زين

This is the first time i heard the name of this guy and listened to one of his songs which i loved and made me look for more of his work .

He is a Swedish from a Lebanese origin. ( Source )

And here are some of his works :-


The Chosen One


Yanabi Salam alayka

I couldn't stop smiling listening to the last one :) 

The guy has a beautiful voice and songs indeed .

14 komentar:

  1. i just finished The Chosen One it's amazing his voice so wonderful mashaAllah

    thanks it's my first time i heard about him

  2. dats maher zain!!! he did 2 concerts in malaysia n most of his fans r malaysian. n every1 loves his song. not only muslim even the non muslims :D n dear u should try to listen check his song inshaallah in Malay language he did it just for the malaysian fans while he did his 2nd concert in Malaysia :D


  3. yeah Maher zain is really cool i love his songs walla esp inshallah and the chosen one and now im gonna try salam 3leyk ya nabi or something btw sis ive missed you and ive awarded your blog the inspirational blog award so respond to the award and link back :)
    love naz@somalianarab.blogspot.com

  4. Freedom,

    I loved the last one so much, it's amazing. And glad you liked his voice and songs :)

  5. Farsilla,

    this is the first time i heard of him, glad you know him and will look for the version of the song in Malay :)

  6. Naz,

    You have been missed a lot here and i have missed your blog too :)

    he has a great voice and i loved "yanabi salam alayka" a lot, so wonderful :)

    Thanks for the award, going to check your blog :)

  7. i just want to tell you that i changed my mind lol because the last one is really good i keep play it again and again XD

  8. He is AWESOME I love him :D

  9. Salaam teacher...

    I didn't know him before...
    listening the last song ... :)

    Thank you..

  10. Freedom,

    yea me too can not stop listening to "Yanabi Salam alayka" , very touching :)

  11. Visible,

    neither do I before and i like him a lot too :)
