Let me start by saying that i know this post might upset a lot of people, so if you get offended if things aren't your ways then please stop reading :)
It's simply was not a happy or spiritual month my whole life.
We are a screwed up family and in Ramadan we were-are- even worse.
My eldest brother who grow up to be the controller of the house-although my father was there- ruined our life in so many ways, i can write volumes about how he control us and destroy us-and we are not alone in this, this is a huge phenomena in Saudi Arabia ( the literally big brother thing)- .
And Ramadan was his best month to yell, hit and order us like animals in the house.
When did we wake up?
What to do ?
What not to do?
what to eat?
how to eat it?
The time of Iftar -breaking your fast- was the worst.
Remember what the prophet said about the two delights of those who are fasting and that one of them is when he/she breaks his fasting .Well we never knew this delight thanks to our eldest brother and the fear he put in us during the day and thinking how shall we obey him during iftar of what to eat and how to eat it, what to say or better not to say.
We were on the tip of our toes around him.
Then he got married and another brother took his place, this time it was the youngest one.
The problem is he didn't control us to do and not to do or lucky us even what to eat.
But most days he is drunk , yet he had to be on the table. Any words from my mother or father could trigger him and things will be .......( sorry can not find a word to describe it).
He was drunk and of course not fasting during the day and yet demand that mt mother cook for him whatever he wishes, and if she says no , then anything might happen to her.
We were on the tip of our toes around him.
Then we finally got the courage to get rid of him and now we have the middle one, he had to participate, hadn't he? . Come one , it wouldn't be good for his reputation not getting in the rule of the Saudi brother. Things are a bit easier compared to those two but still awful.
And We still on the tip of our toes around him
Ramadan was never a holly month in our home no matter how much we try.
It's the month were we all have to gather and gathering is bad in our family.
It's never a spiritual month, people can break their fast in a second , claiming that they are sick or have this and that. You never know the importance of fasting or the meaning behind it. You just fast cuz the whole world is fasting and that's that. The Quran would be pulled out of drawers and it would be dusted and then forgotten a few days later.
There was and is the pressure that if you do this it's OK but if you don't do this then you are less religious and bad person, oh yea pressure from the same people who got no idea what is the purpose of Ramadan.
Through my whole 36 years, Ramadan was and is the worst month in our house and i never understand people's happiness when it's close or their sadness when it's over. It is always the happiest day when Ramadan is over.
The next worst days were the days of Eid AL-Fitr. But they were-are- kinda OK because they are only a few days and a few hours of these few days. That's how we celebrate it or don't. Eid was and is awful because all the above reasons plus having to meat my mother's family. Which is the worst meetings always. They hate us and no one can blame them, who would love a dysfunctional family like ours.
So yea i do greet people " Happy Ramadan and Eid" but they are never happy here and this year they are not gonna be any different. Life is already worse.
I know some would think " STOP IT", you are a grown up woman and all the above are excuses and that we are the ones who make our own future and blah blah blah.
Just let me tell you this and i am not asking for sympathy here, it's just cuz i have read those comments before. Yesterday's prayer before sleeping was " Please God end my life right now".
In short, don't judge people unless you are in their shoes. And next time someone say they don't like Ramadan then maybe they have a good reason not to and it's not because they are not good Muslims.
ya wafa' this tears at my heart.
BalasHapusAllah ease your burdens and bless you for the incredibly hard situation you have had to deal with your whole life ameen.
my thoughts and prayers are with you ya wafa'
very well understood wafa',,,i've been there for some period of my life,allah ykoon bel3on...the change is a must ...it will happen sooner or later.
BalasHapusSorry to hear that Wafa'
BalasHapusMay God "yofarejha " easy it soon in your house inshallah and to start living the sweetness days of Ramadan and Eid
Happy Ramadan and Eid to u too inshallah
I don't know what to say, but sorry to hear that :( ..
BalasHapusAllah with U . My prayers with U and My herat with U .
* T.wafa : raelly i miss u :$
Happy RAMADAN & EID 2 U .
i wish all days in your life BE : HAPPY - in sha allah - :)
C.U - jode :$
Hello Wafa,
BalasHapusI'm sorry to hear that Ramadan is not such a happy time in your house. I would like to invite you to write regular posts for a group blog that some of us are running for the past few years during the month of ramadan. It is the oldest blog dedicated to the month of Ramadan and is looked to by many around the world (http://ramadankareem.blogspot.com). We have writers from all over the world giving their own perspective to Ramadan in their parts of the world. We have people from all faiths sharing their perspective and it would be great to get a different perspective from you. If you are interested please let me know, email me your email address at destituterebel@gmail.com and I would be happy to send you an invite for blogger.
Wafa’ dear it’s completely understandable.. it’s just like how we associate certain places with good or bad memories and that’s how we see them for the rest of our lives. To me being a good Muslim has nothing to do with Ramadan.. it is of course the month of worship but I completely agree with you, what about the rest of the year? If we did OUTSTANDING in one month would that erase our recklessness in the other 11 months! Allah alone knows about your kind Soul and sees the goodness in you.
BalasHapusLove you and I pray this Ramadan comes with great blessings and happiness to you and your family ya raab :*
Dear Wafa',
BalasHapusI read your post yesterday and didn't know what to comment. It's really sad how you feel about Ramadan, but I totally understand.
You are a great person and anyone can see that by just reading your posts. I hope this will be temporary and soon inshallah you will feel the spirituality of the holy month.
May Allah make it easy on you dear!
I am so sorry for what you are going through dear Wafa. It is hard and I completely understand as well as you have EVERY right to feel this way. I keep on telling you to stop having to explain your feelings and thoughts to anyone.
BalasHapusYou know, it is simple. You will never ever please anyone so who cares. These are your feelings, your thoughts, your burdens and you have every right to speak about them as you please.
I honestly wish I can take your pain away. Your last words broke my heart. You reminded me of the so many nights when I would pray the same thing as I lay my head on my pillow. :(
All I can say is patience. Patience my dear is the only thing you can do and trust me, things will get better for you! Allah sees everything dear Wafa and believe HE will make things better for your future. Allah kareem! Never give up hope! :)
If it makes you feel any better, my family is probably just as dysfunctional as your and maybe even worse....LOL! ;) I might email you for that one..:)
Yes this post has hit me hard, but I have to say ((ما شاء الله)) for who you are despite all you've been through. You have come out of all this a wonderful person that is admired by many including ones who haven't even met you in person. I guess you wouldn't have been this same great person (big heart, big mind) if you have not been through all that including the tough months of Ramadan. You've just had it the hard way... I can't remind you that you'll be rewarded sooner or later, 'cause I'm sure you know better :). But be certain that you are in my prayers, by name and be more certain that I'm learning something from every single post and of yours. So any good change in me, credit and thawab, (besides many influential people in my life), goes to you!
BalasHapusDear Wafa',
BalasHapusThere are no words of relief, because I believe you've lived a life where relief wasn't available, so you've grown to disbelieve in it. However,It's not your fault that you are put in these kind of situations. I can't imagine how hard it has been, but as I was reading I see that things got better from brother 1 to the brother now. Even if the improvement is minimal, there still is and it's way better than being worse off after brother 1.
I truly believe that God has a better life in store for you insha allah. God does not take away anything from anyone, especially people like you who are pure human beings, unless there is meaning behind it.
I honestly believe this and pray that God shows you this soon and what better way to show this than Ramadan. I hope and pray that this ramadan is not like any other you've experienced. I pray that you are blessed with the joyus and holy feeling this month brings.
Keep the faith and hope, Wafa'.
I pray for you..this Ramadan comes with great blessings and happiness to you and your family...
BalasHapusthanks a lot sweetie for your nice and kind words. They mean a lot to me :)
BalasHapusHappy that you understand this. As for the change, believe me i am eager for it and i am trying so hard but... when i see the lives of most women in my family"even the extended one" i keep wondering if it will ever come.
BalasHapusAmen ya rab. I always wanted a normal Ramadan in our home.who knows it may come one day :)
And Happy Ramadan and Eid to you too dear :)
Jode :)
BalasHapusYou have been missed a lot dear and by the way, i am always at your blog, and always reading but sometimes too lazy to comment "shy". But always remember that i am always there :)
Thank you for your lovely prayers, you are amazing :)
BalasHapusyou know beside all the "awful time during Ramadan", like you i have always wondered why don't we continue our good deeds even after Ramadan. Take ,for example, giving money or food to those in need, why do we give so much during Ramadan and nothing after it?. I know a lot of poor families who would love to have food every month not only in Ramadan, but .... and it makes me wonder all the time.
your words are so kind and sweet, Faith. Thanks a lot :)
BalasHapusAmen ya rab .
Your nice words are wonders dear :)
BalasHapus( I keep on telling you to stop having to explain your feelings and thoughts to anyone.) i will write a post about this one day, lol, you keep inspiring me with posts amazing lady :)
( honestly wish I can take your pain away. Your last words broke my heart. ) you really made me cry reading this. Thanks for being so sweet :)
And all i can say is Amen and may things get better, i only wish and pray for the change , ya rab .
and i am waiting for the email, lol. Dysfunctional family are the best, are not they?they make your life full of action and despair. why can not we choose our families!!
My Sky,
BalasHapusyour comment made me cry and speechless. I must of have done something good in my life to deserve these beautiful words.
I can not thank you enough lovely for... i don't know, but for all and everything :)
BalasHapusThanks for the tears you made me shed :). Your words are so sweet and so lovely and kind :) .
All i can say is May God reward you with great life and a happy one, ya rab :)
BalasHapusAmen ya rab :)
Thanks for your beautiful words and kind prayers :)
Such an honest post. I always hear how wonderful Ramadan is so maybe you have as well and feel somehow you are strange for not enjoying it. But I imagine there are PLENTY of others out there like you...only they keep it hidden. They haven't the courage or integrity to admit it. So your post would be helpful for them.
BalasHapusI'm so sorry for the control your brothers have had over your family and for making you all miserable.
I surely do appreciate your friendship. I don't want you to be sad. Huge hugs! Love you, dear Wafa'.
BalasHapus(I always hear how wonderful Ramadan is so maybe you have as well and feel somehow you are strange for not enjoying it). it's very strange indeed and you also feel like an outcast. The spirtuality of the month is overwhelming, but...
You always knew how to say the right things sweetie. "hugs", love you too :)
BalasHapusYou are so sweet dear "hugs" .
Hi wafa'
BalasHapusi'm so sorry of your bad memories...i'm really out of the loop..and havent been online forever.
i hope that you can build some good memories this year.
thinking of you...adn your always in my prayers!
BalasHapusahleen sweetie. I know how busy you are and you are always in my prayers , you and your beautiful family :)
Thanks for your wishes and inshAllah this time it will be better :)