Rabu, 21 Juli 2010

Consider a World without Engineers..

I got this funny email about considering the world without engineers...

Enjoy :)

Without Electronic Engineers

Without Mechanical Engineers

Without Civil Engineers

Without Communication Engineers

Without Computer Engineers

Without Aeronautical Engineers

Oh engineers, we owe you so much.
Thanks a lot :)

8 komentar:

  1. lol that's so funny :)

    the first one is the best , imagine our kids watching TV like this hahaha
    there is butten foroff and on hahahahah

    the game boy is silly lol

    thanks you made made me smile :)

  2. hahaha very funny..

    Now, we can't live without engineers..

    This week the electricity shout off for 30 minutes at 2 a.m .
    Everything changed, dark, hot quite ... etc

    We have to appreciate this gift..

    Thank you teacher :)

  3. I shared this with some of my engineering friends. So cute!

  4. Freedom,

    lool and the kids expression is unbelievable , lol

    glad that it drew a smile on your face :)

  5. Strawberry,

    lol. Then thank God for the electrical engineers.

    you are welcome :)

  6. Susanne,

    And what do they think ? is life without them too hard ? :)
