Minggu, 06 Februari 2011

Ambition and Ambitious

What's wrong with not being an ambitious and having ambitions? 

Even with having the qualifications and the potentials to be something big ? 

10 komentar:

  1. I think we all have this ambitious person inside,but we differ in our response, non-response means forever stand still

  2. nothing wrong with that,but we just have this hobby of making each other feel like 7asharat..
    LOL @ the second pic XD

  3. Nothing wrong with that at all
    We need to look for that in ourselves, deep inside and not just wait 4 the best moment, we have to contribute in building that moment :)


  4. Salaam Teacher :).
    I'm ambitious... It make me positive.
    My first post in my blog was about it...

    Thank you teacher :)

  5. Ambitious is not always a big deal or good thing in personality
    remember the famous Arabic say
    القناعة كنز لا يفنى

  6. Whisper,
    i used to be this hugely ambitious person but not that much anymore. is it life or what ? i don't know.
    And i don't think there is something wrong with stand still if we are moving in other areas of our lives, right? dunno.

  7. Rain,

    oh how much i love how you reach your point with few words, lol , and even cats do dream, lol

  8. Haitham,

    but what if we don't want to have that moment and we like what we have and what we are and we don't want to go anywhere further !!

  9. Visible,

    what about others who are not ambitious !! are not they positive and contributing to the society ? just wondering .

    And you are welcome my dear :)

  10. Anon,

    i love this Arabic proverb a lot, it's one of the few that are so true.
