Rabu, 12 Januari 2011

We See What We Want

isn't it true ? 
I do
but i am trying hard to teach myself that there are other stories behind what i see and that what i see is not the only story.
Do you see what you want? 
Do you think it affects your relation with things around you ? 

14 komentar:

  1. Absolutely true! Like you, I'm trying not to judge things or people on what I see. I try to find the real story behind if any.
    How are you Wafa? Aren't you so quite these days? Hope all is well, dear!

  2. I'm trying not to rush in my judgments but sadly I still need a lot of work on it :$

  3. I try hard not to,but many times I fail,like I've read in a story some time ago,we should just take a minute before deciding on something..a minute that we get out of ourselves in,a minute that we free ourselves from all our prejudice and emotions in and look at the situation with pure objectivity
    at that moment we will stop seeing what we only want to see and we will take the right decision
    The trick is only to remember that and not just follow our emotions
    one can only hope

  4. I think what we see is like a mirror projection of what is needed in our life, most time we don't realise it...and most of the time, we tend to realise it when it subconciously make you think about it...and somehow it just shape yourselves as it is written how it is supporsed to be shaped. God knows best.

    But yes, there's a different perspective out of everything...It depend on us to 'Furqan' about it. We hear, We see, We Furqan it. Life teach us lesson like that...

  5. The first thing that came to mind when I read this title was: "people only hear what they want to hear too." Sometimes no matter what you say and how you say it, people will just hear what they want to hear

  6. I think that's definitely true, at least for most people. It takes a lot out of us to see something else in what we are seeing. If we tried harder, or at least if more of us made any attempts to see it from other ways/directions/angles, this world would be such a pleasant place! It's more like putting yourself in someone else's shoes, and those shoes might not always smell as good as our own. 'S how I see it, at least.

  7. This is so very very true and something I struggle with as well. Thank you for the reminder dear!

  8. Susu,
    inshAllah one day our true and honest effort will paid well and we will be a better "US"

    And thanks a lot for your concern 7abebti, i am good Alhamduliallah.
    Just a bit quite to realize things around me and not to fall in despair again :)

  9. Whisper,

    like wise but inshAllah we will stop that soon :)

  10. Rain,

    It's amazing how just a "few" minutes can change a whole lives sometimes.
    Change us to good and understanding people.

    thanks a lot for your lovely comment :)

  11. hajar,

    Have i ever told you that you are a wise lady :)

    your words always stop me staring in them and repeating them over and over and realizing how things can be beautiful this way or that and how true and honest they are :)

    Love how we " hear, see and furqan it"

  12. Muslim,

    exactly true. we tend to emphasize the importance of see but forget how important equally seeing is.

  13. Serenity,

    with age comes wisdom and you know that's what i love most about growing up. Seeing this from other ways/directions/angles makes me happier and more understanding to the world and people around me :)

  14. Becky,

    but we are on the right path, aren't we? :)

    And you are welcome my dear :)
