Minggu, 16 Januari 2011

Love,Life and Disability

I just finished my third book of the year :)

it's called " Handle with Care" by Jodi Picoult
I love a book that made me think all the time  and that's what this book did. 
I wrote about OI here  which is something you are going to read about the whole book. 

But what this book made me think mostly is love. How love is not a one way, and even the toughest actions can be the product of love. 
It's a long one -648 pages- that leaves you wondering if a mother knew that she is going to have a severely sick child and was giving the chance to abort it before, should she go with the idea or is it an action of  not feeling any kind of love towards this child, what if it's actually an action of love ?. 
Whether you are with or against abortion or if your religion says it's wrong or right? , you just keep wondering. 
What about the idea that people with disability are better of being not born. Is life only for the healthy?, are disabled people the wrong kind of people to be on earth?. What about those healthy ones who got a disability 
later on, should we kill them ? . 

I have two nephews and one niece who are disabled, they have cerebral palsy. they don't speak, see, hear or move. I know that their parents should take more care about them cuz i have seen people with the same disability but in a way better shape, but i wonder do their parents-my sister and her husband- think that since they are disabled, it's better to leave them this way, after all-as what everyone keep saying-they will die soon. The oldest of them -Ahmed-have passed away 4 years ago actually. I remember during my sister's grieving and until now everyone wonders why would she cry over him, it's better that he is dead !! 
cuz he is in constant pain and suffers a lot , that's their excuse.
I wonder if these people would say the same about a healthy kid. !!! 

But then the book also question  the love of mothers. Do all mothers necessarily love their kids ? what if your kids sickness and disability got you out of life, you basically have no life because of them. Will that make you love them or hate them more ? . What about if this mother wanted to abort you but didn't, would that make her lesser mother, a monster mother , a bad mother? What if she shows you every single seconds of your life that she loves you, would that substitute for what she tried to do ?. 
When i was reading the book, i remember the times that my mother fails me- when i was younger- the time that she should support me but she didn't, the times that she should stood by me but didn't, the times she let me down and i wonder: didn't she shows me every single moment after that that she loves me and would die for me, wouldn't that substitute this for that ? 
Would that make her a better mother , a loving one. And the answer is yes for me. 

I's just a long journey in which you are going to live and cry with Charlotte , Amelia, Sean and Willow. There are some lines that made me cry, made me close the book because i couldn't read much more, i couldn't even continue the same lines. I loved Charlotte a lot despite labeled badly by everyone else.

Maybe some of us have a certain problem with his/her body but that doesn't make them less or more than the rest of us. 
They maybe need special treatment, but isn't love commitment. 
And remember that bad times can be replaced with great time if you allow it, after all the only disable person is the person who can't/don't/wont love. 
The only disability is in the feelings. 

P.S: Thanks Becky for introducing me to Jodi Picoult and this amazing book :) 

20 komentar:

  1. U got me interested indeed!
    3rd book already ,, I`m sO jealoussssssssssssssss! :P

    In my list ,, hope to find time for reading it.

  2. I am so happy you enjoyed it! I completely agree with your thoughts. This is what I love so much about Jodi Picoult, the way she completely stops you from thinking about the world in black and white terms. Things are never completely right or completely wrong, they just are.
    I hope you'll enjoy your next books by her as well!

  3. hmm...looks intresting!

    ironically, i start reading books not too far away, so i have huge to-read list now, mostly classic old novels , but sure i will put it on my list!

  4. Sounds like a great read!
    Interesting questions and concerns you brought up there. Honestly, I can't make up my mind about whether it's any more "wrong" or any more "right" to abort children who are disabled than it is to abort those who are "normal." (By the way, I suggest we avoid referring to them as "disabled kids" because remember that they are first humans/kids and then disabled. I feel as though we tend to identify them as "disabled" rather than as individuals like the rest of us. Heck, come to think of it, I hate the word "disabled"! Why can't they just be what they are -- humans like everyone else? No one calls us "abled," do they?) I know of families who were told that the birth of their children will put either the mother's life in danger or the children's (they were twins), and the mother still refused to abort them because she's completely against abortion and believes that she can earn good deeds and the blessings of God by having to work extra hard with kids who are going to be challenged. Of course, I have no right to decide whether what she did was right or wrong, but I often ask myself what I would've done. I'm sure that if giving birth to kids placed my life or theirs in danger, I wouldn't go ahead with it, but at the same time, perhaps I'm saying this because I haven't had any kids yet and am nowhere close to having them. And what if their birth wouldn't be a danger to my life but the doctors told me that they would not be healthy or "normal"? Would I still go ahead with them? So what that most societies haven't yet learned to embrace and appreciate such individuals, right? What sort of a message are we giving to society by not wanting to have to go through the difficulties of raising children who are not classified as "normal" by others?

    But, really, I don't yet know what to think regarding this. I pray for the well-being of all, especially pregnant women.

  5. Really interesting thoughts there Serenity. If my life was ever put in danger by having a baby, I think I'd choose the abortion. I believe it's more important to preserve the life that already is, than the one that might be (considering the chance of the baby making it is also going to be diminished if the mother dies). As for the question of aborting babies because they aren't "normal" to us, or aborting healthy babies for that matter. Those are very very difficult questions.
    With the exception of my life being in danger, I don't think I could ever have an abortion, but, at the same time I am pro-choice and think women should have the abortion. I don't think I'd ever have an abortion if I was told my child might have Down's syndrome, but if it was going to be severely disabled, I don't know. It is a question I hope I'll never have to answer for myself.

  6. i was introduced to Jodi last year through a friend, and my best friend surprised me with "My sister's keeper". It was just great, you should read it as well. And i'll put this on top of my to read list.

  7. Carl,

    thanks a lot for your comment and visit. Loved your blog as well :)

  8. Haitham,

    it's very interesting one, you wouldn't believe how much i cried at the end of it, try to check it .

    And yup 3 already, 2 in Arabic and no achievements here since i am quick in Arabic.

  9. Becky,

    I kept taking this side or this with each chapter, but it's not easy and then you realize that it's much more than black and white.

    I am sure i will but now i started with another book "Eat,Pray, Love",have you read it ? i have seen the movie and honestly didn't like it.

  10. w7l,

    very and filled with medical terms so it would be easier on you.

    I have a huge list and hopefully will return to classic one day cuz i remember i read most of them.

  11. I have read the book and I think it's okay. A lot of people seem to either hate it or love it, but I'm kind of on neutral ground. I do think the author is a lot better off than your average person, most of us wouldn't be able to afford travelling the world for almost a year just because we had our hearts broken, but she does make some important and interesting observations.

    Tried watching the movie but got so annoyed after 5 minutes I chose not to finish it (this was whilst flying).

  12. Serenity,

    oh what an amazing book and an amazing comment :)

    Like you i prefer another term instead of disabled but sometimes i wonder would others know what i am talking about if it's not a popular term. I read about some mothers who prefer the term "special needs" and i like this much more.

    And the same here about what mothers choose regarding their pregnancies. Actually with ever decision someone has. It's easier for us to say that i would do this or that if it was me, but it's never me SO it's their life, their decision and the are the ones who is going to live with it not me.

    Beside, it's a very bad message we are sending- as i believe- if we abort kids just for being sick.

  13. Ze2red,

    I will definitely get my hand on that one too :) thanks for recommending it.

  14. Becky,

    OK is not good for me, i want something to move me.I will see what i feel after a few pages and then decide to continue or stop.

    As for the movie, it's not worth it. very awful. Just a bunch of handsome men, lol.

  15. Sound interesting...I'll search for it here inshallah.

    I miss reading very much long time I haven't read, hope it's written with a simple language

  16. Whisper,

    very interesting :)

    it's everyday language, with a mix of medical words, but overall is ok.

  17. Sounds like a great book with lots of thought-provoking info. I'm sure I'd be crying too. Books often make me cry. Maybe I'll read this one eventually. Thanks for the review!

  18. Susanne,

    it's very interesting, i bet you are going to like it :)

  19. :-) sure i`m going to read this book soon ,,,

  20. zoolworld,

    hope you will enjoy it :)
