Minggu, 30 Oktober 2011

Good Reads (10/31/2011)


Husband donates kidney to stranger in remarkable six-way organ swap to save his wife

Iran and Saudi Arabia helped Al-Qaeda carry out 9/11 attacks, claims new book

Gripping Black and White Portraits of the Homeless by Lee Jeffries

 The rape of men


Beyond Abolition: Ending Slavery in Mauritania

Senin, 24 Oktober 2011

Who Do We Hate ? And Why ?

A very interesting discussion about why does Arab have the well known bad image in the world in a post by a friend . 
Muslims too have a bad image everywhere but the Islam of the south eastern Asia is much more respected than the Islam of the Middle East. All of that is known. 

Here is something I want to know and I honestly wish that you will answer it , even those of you who read and leave, try to answer the question. 

Who do you hate ? and why? 

And I am not talking about individual, I am talking about a whole ethnicity, country, religion, people...etc. 
 if you don't hate anyone then explain why, please? 

You can answer anonymously, I am just interested to know why and who do we hate. 

Sabtu, 22 Oktober 2011

The Death Of Qaddafi

Death is a natural end for all of us. There is no happiness in death, no gloating, nothing at all. Death should be observed with silence and silence alone. No matter who died, what is their relation to you and how badly they hurt you. 

The funny thing is that we got so happy when someone who hurt us die thinking that his/her death is an end to our sufferings. But it never is, the end to our sufferings comes from within us. And their death might be their end to their own sufferings. Believing in the hereafter,a God who is just, hell and heaven might help a lot but what if you don't believe in that , how is it going to help you ? 

Those two days were so upsetting to me not because Qaddafi is my favorite president -or whatever title he has-.The news of his death after being captured was so bad because of the way he was killed -the way the rebels killed him . The Libyan council really need a PR company to make them know how and when to spread a lie. They should of have lied about his death, claimed it to be during battles. But to claim to be pious and then kill a man after his surrender, a prisoner of war is beyond imagination. Not only its against any religion rules, it's against all human rights and mostly humanity. What difference does that make us from those who have tortured us ?. If Qaddafi was a teacher he would be the best, making his student follow his rules. 

The funny thing is that-as always-when you raise your voice against brutality and dignity then you are with someone. Damn you Bush you made people believe so much in with/against policy !!. But when you treat your POW with dignity, when you treat your enemy with dignity, when you allow them the fair trials and treatments they didn't allow you then you are a better human. Claiming that they are only human being and acted upon their  anger and emotions is a problem because someone only lives once and when you kill someone after being your prisoner there is no chance in a second chance, in him/her being raised from the dead and being treated better the next time. It's now or never. 

The worst thing is those how call them "sheikhs" and starting issuing fatwas about the death of Qaddafi. you shouldn't say these nice things about him or that because he is a dictatorship !!! really? wasn't he for over 40 years? weren't you his guests in someone of these years? . Wonder where did your condemnation against his brutality were all these years ? " Gone with the wind" !! . If you have the power to speak and didn't then it's better to shut up now. 

Humanity needs a huge lesson in humanity.

P.S: I don't judge anyone, I don't dare. I only condemned their actions. 

Rabu, 19 Oktober 2011

No Attachment

One of my belief is never to keep a thing. Never to get attached to anyone or anything. 

And that's what made me who I am today, I guess. It's sometimes even startling to me not to want to keep anything no matter its value , financially or sentimentally,. 

I used to keep lots of things that are dear to me, save them and cherish them. But not anymore, now I would keep them for a while-probably a year- and then just throw them away !!

Gifts would be cherish for a while and then given to someone or thrown away, beautiful letters from my pen-pals and amazing collection of photos are scanned into a disk and thrown away, the disk is not anywhere to be found too !!!I only keep clothes and shoes for more than one year, but they are thrown too after that . 

I wish I knew what changed in me and made me this person who wants nothing to connect her to anyone and wants to no one to be connected to, too 

I am not proud of this in me but wont call the worse in me. 

It might be a physiological thing !!!

Selasa, 18 Oktober 2011

Banishing People From Your Life

Life has its funny way of teaching us lessons. 

here is a question: 
If you could banish any one person from your life who would it be ? Why? 

If you ask me this a few years or months ago, I would name some, mostly my male siblings. For a lot of reasons...
but who knows that things could change in a strange way !! not in a movie-like-ways, but in a slow motion that when you realize it, you could do nothing but wondering how did WE are here after we were there !!

The day my father passed away, we all cried and hugged. I even hugged my youngest brother, remember him? The violent alcoholic one !!. He came to the house for two days but then it was sure to him and to all -who are campaigning for him- that in no way he would be back to live with us again. 

After that, he was arrested-still- ,and in his own unique and funny way with the help of life, he got into our life again. 
He started calling and calling and calling every single one of us in a weekly basis. Mostly he doesn't want anything, just to say hi and to check on us. Then the caller got longer and after that, he asked for favors as to ask me to enroll him into something or send him something as silly as the names of horror movies...etc.

We started to care. Yes, it's still a noway for him to come back to live with us but we care that my mother went to visit him in prison this Sunday just to please him cuz he complained that no one ever come to see him !!

He is still a drunk criminal but who would guess that he would he have a spot back in our hearts, especially mine and my mother.

I don't know how this will end for any of us, he is still violent and so dangerous to be around when he is drunk, we wont let him be back, we will always suffer the consequences of his drinkings cuz people can not see the difference between us and him and i dont' blame them. 
But I know for sure that what your heart set on today might not what you end up with tomorrow. 
Just leave a room in your heart for forgiveness and accept life lessons . 
You may end up in a better place or the least with a better feelings :)

Senin, 17 Oktober 2011

Unworthy Of Love

We meet with different kinds of people every day, who have different personalities, characters, agendas and ambitions. some of them would do whatever it takes to make things go their way, including manipulating you into believing something you shouldn't believe especially about yourself and your good traits.

A friend of mine was crying today explaining me how she couldn't believe how many of her friends attended a special occasion of her, she was surprised how many people actually love and respect her and came to celebrate with her .
When i inquire about her surprise, she explained how her husband keep telling her that no one actually love her because she is a private person and doesn't like to mingle so much with his family. He was doing that for over twenty years!!

See how people can manipulate you into believing something this bad about yourself. believing that you are unworthy of love by others would make you weak, hostile and a sad person.

It's not you the problem, it's theirs. But they are smarter and know how to make YOU feel bad.

The same friend told me before about the verbal abuse of her husband. Could this be his way of being sure she wont get a divorce knowing that she is not loved enough !!.

Abuser do that, they wreck your life and make sure you wont get any chance of a better life without them. And they are all around us. They could be members of our family, friends, colleagues.

Let's have faith in ourselves and abilities. Tell people that they are good, show them that they are loved and respected. Who knows, you might be saving one by being kind.

Jumat, 14 Oktober 2011

Iran And The World

Iran should pay for what she attempted to do.
Sanction might be exposed on Iran.
Iran is evil.
Iran is this, Iran is that .
For God's sake stop with all this B.S.

Yes, the ruler of Iran are bunch of crazy lunatics with disturbing ideas but so is almost half the world and all of the rulers of  the Middle east. ALL

I have never been a believer of conspiracy theories but this time I do believe that the whole world especially America and Israel are trying to get to Iran with the help of "allies" such as my dear stupid country !!!

Iran tried to kill the Saudi ambassador, really? .
Iran was behind some violent that erupted in a small city in the eastern part of Saudi Arabia !! are you sure it was not your discrimination against Shi'ite and their feed up with all of that !!!

Go ahead and sanction Iran. You think you will affect the rulers !! you are a big joke, only the people will suffer and then in 10 years you are going to invade them and leave it exactly the same nourishing and developed countries Iraq and Afghanistan are today ?. S
addam never suffer from the sanction, only the Iraqi people are.

The worst thing is that the world keep telling us that the wolf is the bad animal, little did we know how the cute sheep are trying to set him up.

Senin, 10 Oktober 2011

World Food Day,16 October:"Food prices - from crisis to stability".

Can you believe that there is enough food in the world for everyone !!. 
Then why there is famine in Somalia!!
Why so many people die because of shortage of food !!

Famine should be a Crime Against Humanity. 

World Food Day, 16 October 2011

This year theme is 
 "Food prices - from crisis to stability".

Food prices - from crisis to stability

Price swings, upswings in particular, represent a major threat to food security in developing countries. Hardest-hit are the poor. According to the World Bank, in 2010-2011 rising food costs pushed nearly 70 million people into extreme poverty.

“FOOD PRICES – FROM CRISIS TO STABILITY” has been chosen as this year’s World Food Day theme to shed some light on this trend and what can be done to mitigate its impact on the most vulnerable.

On World Food Day 2011, let us look seriously at what causes swings in food prices, and do what needs to be done to reduce their impact on the weakest members of global society. (source)

You have to see this interactive map, please click.

You Against Hunger 

Sign the petition:


Selasa, 04 Oktober 2011

World Teachers' Day

World Teachers' Day, held annually on October 5th since 1994, commemorates teachers’ organizations worldwide. Its aim is to mobilise support for teachers and to ensure that the needs of future generations will continue to be met by teachers.
According to UNESCO, World Teachers' Day represents a significant token of the awareness, understanding and appreciation displayed for the vital contribution that teachers make to education and development.
Education International (EI) (the global union federation that represents education professionals worldwide) strongly believes that World Teachers' Day should be internationally recognized and celebrated around the world. EI also believes that the principles of the 1966 and 1997 Recommendations should be considered for implementation in all nations.
Over 100 countries observe World Teachers' Day. The efforts of Education International and its 401 member organisations have contributed to this widely spread recognition. Every year, EI launches a public awareness campaign to highlight the contributions of the teaching profession. ( source )

More about it: 

Senin, 03 Oktober 2011

International Day of Non-Violence

The International Day of Non-Violence is observed on 2 October, the birthday of Mohandas Gandhi. This day is referred to in India as Gandhi Jayanti.
In January 2004, Iranian Nobel laureate Shirin Ebadi had taken a proposal for an International Day of Non-Violence from a Hindi teacher in Paris teaching international students to the World Social Forum in Bombay. The idea gradually attracted the interest of some leaders of India's Congress Party ("Ahimsa Finds Teen Voice", The Telegraph, Calcutta) until a Satyagraha Conference resolution in New Delhi in January 2007 initiated by Sonia Gandhi and Archbishop Desmond Tutu called upon the United Nations to adopt the idea.
On 15 June 2007 the United Nations General Assembly voted to establish 2 October as the International Day of Non-Violence. The resolution by the General Assembly asks all members of the UN system to commemorate 2 October in "an appropriate manner and disseminate the message of non-violence, including through education and public awareness." 

You can read more here :-