Rabu, 03 Agustus 2011

Friday Good Reads

Oh my god, a must-read story about a lonley duck :( 

Brutal Terror Attack in Norway  (photography )

4 komentar:

  1. "30 Challenges for 30 Days" it's really motivational... :)

  2. Asma,

    it's indeed, i wish i can commit to do it but i feel like not now, i am not ready yet...

  3. Thank-you for sharing the duck story, your site is very poignant, and your name is beautiful and so meaningful! Best Wishes

  4. Hayley,

    Thank you so much for doping by,your comment and very kind words about my name and my site :) .

    Your site is one of my favorite :)

    Glad you enjoyed the duck story, it's a heart-breaking with a happy ending :)
