Sabtu, 20 Agustus 2011

Four Tags ( Part Four )

Just so you would know how lazy i am, i have been tagged four times since March this year and have not answer any yet. 
For those who have tagged me, I am so sorry for the delay :) 

And here they are ...according to the date. 



Seven special Posts by Becky.

What are the seven special posts I have written ?

1) The Most Beautiful Post .
Again, I would say " A letter to my mother"
I honestly would love to read to her, I know she would be touched but she doesn't know anything about the blog and I would like to keep it this way. The good thing is that she knows how much she means to me and she is sure of it. 
I wrote this letter on "Mother's Day" 2010. 

2) The Most Popular Post.
depending on stats to pick this one would be not cool, cuz the popular ones are the ones that are articles I re-published here(with the link of course)
but for the ones I wrote...
the ones I wrote when my father were admitted to the hospital three weeks prior to his death, god so many people were kind and nice and wanted to know and ask for an update :) 
I was so mad when i wrote this post, I was mad at my dad especially for neglecting his health 
-i guess it runs in the family- 
He passed away three weeks and three days after his last sickness. Little did we know that that night at day was the last day we were speaking to him !!

3) The Most controversial Post.
That would definitely be "Ramadan and I"
The typical me was very afraid to approach topics I know might hurt others and to speak candidly about how I feel about Ramadan, something i have not even done in real life, would be too much. But I did and post it and got good and bad comments, but as always I got huge support from people who wish me another great experience that time-which was Ramadan last year- . Guess what ? Ramadan this year is way better, I guess your prayers, support and kind words were answered :) 

4) The Most Helpful Post.
I wouldn't name one here, but I think most of the articles I re-published here were helpful in someway.And I hope that any personal post would be helpful to a silent someone out there. 

5)The Post That Was Surprisingly Successful. 
That would be " Mecca Clock". Who would care about the tallest clock actually. I was so mad and still about the whole stupid project but everywhere you turn people were so happy about it and the post was just a vent. But was surprisingly successful.

6) The Post That Did Not Get The Attention It Deserved
All the posts that was left without a comment especially the "poverty ones" didn't get the deserved they deserved, but one look at the stat and it would show you that people actually read but maybe they don't have anything to say or aren't used to comment or don't like to comment. I do that sometimes on other blogs. 
So as long as they are read, then they have reached someone's heat and mind hopefully :)

7) The Post I Am Proud Of 
Do you really know how many people know that I have been molested or been hit in the real life? 
a few to be counted in one hand. 
So imagine the fear I have deciding to write about "My Brothers and I" !!
But I did, the fear here were doubled than when I wrote about Ramadan. Our societies are not used to being open to such stories, they are better be buried. It was OK knowing that you are not  being blamed for everyone's problem. In away I proves to my self that I am a strong. Still struggling yes but will pass it all.
That post wasn't possible without the support i got from "Hala" an amazing Saudi lady who started this small projects about our brothers and which involved some other Saudi bloggers.  

tough tag to do Becky , it brought up all these previous emotions i have when i posted the above, but thanks a lot  :)

and sorry for the delay 

If anyone is interested, consider yourself tagged. 


6 komentar:

  1. good evening wafa'

    I am also very proud of your (my brothers and i) was so brave of you to be able to release that>

    ramadan kareem my dear...glad that this ramadan is somehow different.

  2. Salam,

    I've marked the posts 'before my time' for reading later :) Looking forward to it!

    As for the posts on poverty. I read them, and it's not that I don't care I just. I don't have words for it. I have donated money, and the victims are in my thoughts and prayers every day. But I don't have words for their pain.

  3. I'm with Becky. sometimes I just have no words, but I love that you make us aware of these things, that you care so much! You have such a tender heart.

    And I am really happy this Ramadan is better for you. I remember last year when you were so honest about why it was not a favorite time of year for you. I love that you are so genuine!

  4. naysan,

    hi sweetie :) you have been missed a lot :)

    As I said before, your support and the support of so many here were so helpful in so many ways. Thanks a lot my dear :)

    And may the rest of Ramadan be great for you and your loves ones :)

  5. Becky,

    W'Salam my dear :)

    I hope you will enjoy the ones you have marked.

    And as I said at first it made me wonder but then i realized that as long as the message was out, that's the most important thing to me.

  6. Susanne,

    As long as the message was out, that's the most important thing my dear as i realized later on.

    And thank you so much for your continuous support and love :)
