Rabu, 13 Oktober 2010

Which celebrity would you like to be for a day?

I could be any one who has no burden in life whatsoever. 
But since the question is a celebrity, the only name that pops in my mind is Paris Hilton :D, dunno why but she seems careless and with no life, lol
she is smiling in a mug shot !!! 

You know sometimes i hate the cliche that it's good to work hard for your things and that tough life makes you stronger !!. 
I wanna be careless and with no worries .
 But...since it wont happen, let me stick to answering the questions.

How about you, which celebrity would you like to be for a day and why ?

26 komentar:

  1. I wouldn't like to be a celebrity for the most part. I hate how their lives all seem so messed up due to having no privacy, etc.

    It wouldn't hurt to have more power and money, though, so I could do more for others, etc. So I guess I'd be Oprah. I'd cancel my show and spend all my big bucks on medical research and starving children. Then I'd switch back, and Oprah would be confused as to how she somehow ended up poor.

  2. Asalam Alaykum,

    Hmmm I think I would choose to be Kim Kardashian she is GORGEOUS and has it all mashAllah.

  3. I personally wouldn't want to be anyone of them for even a day. However, I would love to look like Jessica Alba and have her money too lol.

  4. I wanna be my own character in WoW haha! Why did you choose Paris Hilton? She's weird!

  5. Maybe Angelina Jolie so I could travel around the world and bring some smiles to hurting people.

  6. I don't know :$

    I love Sandra Bullock very much...so I would like to be her in a red carpet night :)

  7. I join you Wafa' in wishing of having a worry-free life, but I wonder of such a myth exist on earth? until we find out, let's try to make the best out of our lives.

  8. Nikki,

    yea that part of their life is very bad, but i was focusing mainly on what appear to be "might not" free of burden , silliness and stuff like that, lol.

    Poor Opera !!! you are evil lady, lol .

  9. Noor,


    i guess she is similar in away to Paris, but prettier, so yea she is a good choice.

  10. My Getaway,

    I used to beleive that Jessica is pretty but not anymore, dunno why though !!
    and money was the one of the biggest reasons for chosing Paris, lol

  11. Shadow,

    i love that attitude lady :D

    why Paris? cuz she seems to be care free with lots of money, plus she is stupid, lool and so weird.

  12. Susanne,

    i am trying my best to like her but i can not , lol. the only time i fall in love with her is when she help, she seems so sincere :)

  13. Whisper,

    that's a great choice, i like her too and i guess she is a strong lady with a heart, good mixture :)

  14. Dr.N,

    some people make the myth seems very true , so..

  15. Don't get me wrong. I don't LIKE Angelina Jolie much. I am not a huge movie star fan to begin with. But since i had to choose, I remembered she traveled a lot to see needy people and THAT is something I'd like to experience.

  16. hello wafa'

    welcome back,missed u a lot,kteeer.

    i wish i could in oprah winfrey's shoes for sometime,i like the personality she has , and i like the way she is affecting and changing people's lives

  17. Susanne,

    naa it's ok, it's just people love her too much, i guess. lol

    i am not a huge star fan myself, but there are some who i like a lot , lol

  18. naysan,

    ahleen ba6a :) . thanks a lot and i have missed you all a lot wallahi :)

    you know i never liked her, i think she is a fake somehow , i don't know why. but her helping the people is very great actually :)

  19. Salaam teacher :D how are you??

    Teacher Wafa' and Paris!!!
    unexpected :D

    For me...
    I wanna be for a day ( Who invented google )...
    :D :D
    They are very smart guys :D

  20. I think I would like to be Angelina Jolie for a day. Travel the world helping refugees, and also look good doing it! LOL :)

    Or Oprah, yea, gotta love Oprah!

  21. I'd swear I left a comment here! 0_O

  22. Visible,

    ahlenn sweetie :), i am fine, thanks and you ?

    lool@unexpected. i don't think we can be friends in real life :P, but she is rich and silly, what's better than that, lol

    Google creators are Larry page and Sergey Brin and yup they are very smart, they even look smart, lol

  23. Soul,

    I love the idea of helping but not Angelina, lol. And looking good is great, who wouldn't want that !!!
    But Operah is not my type, lol

  24. Rain,

    0_0, are you sure :( , there was nothing , i swear !!

  25. LOOOL yeah I'm sure because I remember I was lecturing about that fame and fortune can't necessarily make you happy HAHAHA!

    No,seriously,I would honestly say none of them because I think most of them are probably unhappy
    and Paris Hilton?0_O come on Fofo
    My intelligence drops 10 points by only watching one of her movies! 0_O

  26. Rain,

    see there were nothing, cuz i have not read no lecture, lol

    i want her money and her "got nothing to do " life, lol.

    and i only had to watch her movie "wax house" or something cuz i like horror movies and then she dies early on so it was good. and had to watch her on a TV show cuz i like the show :( lo
