Sabtu, 19 Juni 2010

My Father Now !!!

So my father has been in the hospital for two weeks and a half.
He was admitted to the hospital because he couldn't breath due to smoking. They put him in a coma. And he depended completely on the machine.
The doctors said that it is a matter of days-3 to 4 days - before he can breath by himself . Days passed by and he didn't wake up or breath by himself. The only progress was that they reduce the level of oxygen from the machine a bit each day, but they never removed it.

Last week, my brother- who is accompanying my father- notice a change in my father condition, he felt that something was wrong with my father. The doctors- like most doctors in Saudi Arabia-insisted that nothing is wrong . But after more pressure they agree to have a CT Scan.

Indeed there was something wrong with my father. He got a brain stroke.
And nobody knew about it !!!!

To cover up their stupidity, they say that he got it while in coma and so they couldn't have known about it. But to think about it now and how he was before going to the hospital , he might got it while there from the beginning.
They say it was a mild one, then a medium one. Next it was on one side of the brain.
And we are still listening to their stories. They plug the machine out and they stopped the drugs but nothing has happened , he didn't wake up and he still can not breathe by himself.
They say it's cuz he is unconscious. and we are still waiting.

Is this it for him ?
is he ever going to wake up ?
is he ever going to talk to us ?
or even hear us ?

The situation is very depressing , shocking and sad. We are depressed and sick and sad.
My brother is devastated. I don't know what will happen to him if something happen to my father??.He is still can not accept the situation that my father might not wake up again or even be aware.
Even my mother -who has endured hell on my father's hand and who has seen him in a lot of bad situation before- is so sad and cries a lot of time. She told u sthat what she sees right now is something she never saw and she feels real sorry for him.
We asked her to forgive him for everything he did and she said that she did ,the moment she saw him that way.

We keep visiting him and talk to him but he can not listen or even respond.
All we see is an old man who is lying on bed plugged to machines with open eyes that never closed until he is asleep. Even his sleeping is trouble because of his breathing problem.

23 komentar:

  1. Oh, sweet Wafa', I am so sorry about this! :( :( My thoughts are with you. HUGS!!

  2. So sorry 2 hear that :(

    It reminds me of my father when he was sedated before he passed away without even waking up to talk to us..
    Inshallah he wakes up

  3. He has COPD on mechanical ventilation?
    I hope he is OK and pray for speed recovery...Amine
    اللهم رب البأس اذهب الباس
    اشف و انت الشاف

  4. dear wafa'
    my prayers for you, i've been in a similar situation with my grandmother who had multiple brain strokes and stayed in a complete comma for whole nine months,that was long time ago,allah yer7emha.
    even if he can't respond back i think he can hear you when you talk to him so keep on talking and don't give up hope.
    allah ykoon be3onkom w be3onoh.
    i know how hard it's for you and your family as well as for your father.
    ربنا يلطف فيه وفيكم يا عزيزتي.

  5. Really sorry :(

    My prayers for you, your family, and your father.

  6. so sorry...
    my pertner's mom also is in the hospital.

    i pray for your father, you,your family and my husband's mother....

  7. Salam Wafa', I was so shocked and sad to hear this news as I have been away for a while.

    Allah ma3ak during this hard time, and my prayers for you and your family.


  8. Susanne,

    thanks a lot dear :)

  9. Poet,
    thanks a lot and inshAllah he will wake up, who knows. Allah kareem.

    And Allah yer7am Abook inshAllah .

  10. Sonnet,

    inshAllah ya rab.

  11. nissan,
    yesterday i was reading your posts about you. And how were you raised with your grandmother and reading now that she was in coma for 9 months , it really must be devestating to you. i mean she is your mother :( . Allah yer7amha w yegferlah ya rab .
    Thanks a lot for your wishes.
    الله كريم

  12. Diana,

    thanks a lot for your prayers :)

  13. suusuu9_9 ,

    Amen, and my prayers are for your husband's mother. May she has a quick recovery .

  14. Haitham,

    Amen . Thanks a lot brother .

  15. Ever,

    Amen ya rab .

    And i am glad that you are ok, you have been missed dear :)

  16. i'm so sad to hear what your father and your family are going through.
    i pray god gives your father the will to pull through this...and your family has the opertunity to heal through this trying time.
    i cant begin to imagine what your going through....but your mother seems like such a brave woman.
    you are all in my prayers.

  17. I don't know what to say.لا حول و لا قوة إلا بالله. ربي يقومه بالسلامه و يرد لكم معافى.
    عزيزتي:الصبر على البلاء من أعظم الأمور، و الأعظم منه الثناء عليه. ربي يكون في عون الجميع و يعافي كل مريض.

  18. angie,
    thanks a lot for your prayers and your support.

  19. My Sky,
    آمين يارب
    و الحمدلله على كل حال. المؤمن كل امره خير و الله يغفرلنا و يرحمنا
    و ان شاءالله يبعد عنك و عن اهلك و احبابك كل الشر يارب

    شكرا عزيزتي

  20. Aynur,

    It's but hope that things turn out in a good way inshAllah .

  21. Salaam teacher,

    قال تعالى " وإذا مرضت فهو يشفين " ... هذا ابتلاء من رب العباد لازم الصبر

    I felt sad about your father..

    الله يشفيه ان شاء الله ويفرح قلوبكم ..

    وماعملته والدتك هذا من طيب اصلها وطيبة قلبها ....
