Kamis, 29 April 2010

The Ugly Barbie Or Is She the Real Barbie ?

The domination of this stupid doll on girl's mind need to end.

14 komentar:

  1. Funny!!
    Love the new design. Hope all is well with you dear.

  2. i think there is not perfect Barbie and maybe this is the real !!

    thank you my friend for share ..

  3. these barbie pictures are priceless

  4. Dr.N,
    glad that you like the new layout:)

    as for me, i am ok inshAllah and trying to adjust to all hardships and to go on :)

  5. Haitham,

    we all can start. and you can by stopping your daughter from having it with explaining of course .

  6. White,

    i like the way you see things :)

    and you are welcome .

  7. melicieuse,

    i think they are way better than the real one. they are not realstic at all.

  8. Susanne, it's nice to see another face for cuh beautiful thing, lol

  9. HA HA I actually, laughed out loud. Thanks my friend! :)

  10. this post made me laugh..
    (and on another note..i keep getting japanese spam to...lool)

  11. Texan, you are welcome dear. Glad you so the funy side of the pictures.

  12. angie, glad you liked the post.

    as for japanese spam, i think i am this close to hate even the image of the japanese language, lol. But thanks to moderation :)
