They are a lovely and nice couple . And these are some of their pictures that i stole from angie's site , forgive me dear :)
Marcel was diagnosed with Hodgkins Lymphoma in 2006 and he recovered from it. Unfortunately, he relapced and the disease is back and their journey is back. A journey i am sure will be tough but they will go through with love and support from each other ,their lovely son and everyone who knows them.
I have not meet angie before, but she is a regualr reader of my blog and oh how much she touched my heart and soul with her kind words, it shows me how a great and gentle soul she is and falling in love with such caring soul shows how amazing man you are.
Please pray for Marcel well being , it 's not important what your religion , just pray and wish them the best of health :)
this is angie's blog
her post about Marcel
and this is a site where she dedicated for Marcel's battle
BalasHapusthank you so much in my bid for prayers! i'm trully blessed to have come across you...and even though we have never met....i'm honored to know you.
شكرا جزيلا وفاء. الذي اسماك وفاء لم يخطئ أبدا. مرّة بعد مرّة، تثبتين كم انك إنسانة رائعة ووفيّة.
BalasHapusصحيح، الدين ليس مهمّا كثيرا عندما يتعلق الأمر بالتعاطف والمشاركة الوجدانية بين البشر. الإنسانية أسمى من كل عامل آخر. وكلنا في الإنسانية أخوة مهما تباينت الأديان وتباعدت الانتماءات والأوطان.
وأنا لا املك إلا ان أضمّ صوتي إلى صوتك، بالدعاء إلى الله أن يمنّ على مارسيل بالشفاء والعافية وان يحفظه من كلّ مكروه وان يعينه وزوجته الرائعة على تخطي هذا الظرف الصعب.
وإن شاء الله اجر وطهور.
My heart and prayers go out to her and her husband. I hope he recovers quickly.
BalasHapusThanks Wafa for your genuine feelings and support
Hugs and prayers for Angie and Marcel at this time. Thank you for informing us of this.
BalasHapusThey certainly are a great couple! Thanks for sharing. Manal and I are already sending our prayers in their direction!
BalasHapusi really appreciate everyones prayers and good wishes! you guys are amazing...and yes, wafa' is a trully beautiful soul :)
BalasHapusangie, you are a loved and dear one. believe me this is nothing and i wish i can do more.
BalasHapusPromoetheus, Qusay, Susanne,ابو سنان, thank you all for your prayers and wishes. My prayers and wishes join yours for Marcel recovery soon :)
May all sickness and sadness vanishes from your way. Amen :)