Kamis, 21 Januari 2010

13 year old to prison !!

After this i was dreamy and thought things might be changing at least for kids until i read the horrible news !!!!

A court in Jubail in the eastern of Saudi Arabia have sentenced a 13 years old girl , yes you read that correctly 13 , to two month in prison and 90 lashes !!!!!!!

whatever she did , she is a CHILD.

According to the newspaper, at the second semester of last year, the girl brought a mobile with a camera to the school which is forbidden at all girls schools in Saudi . The principle has seized the mobile and decided to expel the girl , allowing her to study from home . The next morning the girl came to school surprising the principle by hitting her with a cup on her head.

Yes, the girl made a mistake by breaking the rules and by hitting the principle, but are not there any other alternatives but to expel her ? . why not turn to the help of the guidance at school to solve her problems cuz apparently she has a lot of them and anger is one of them .

The newspaper talked to the principle who said " that the ruling is satisfying and she decided that the lashes should be at the school because the sentence was not meant for her defamation but discipline " . Being lashed 90 times in front of her peers is nothing but humiliating and she is not going to recover from it.

If i was responsible for Education in Saudi , the first thing i would do was to fire this stupid principle who know nothing about disciplinary but all about vengeance. And the judge who sentenced her with harsh punishments should be fired, too.

I know that kids should be faced with punishment when they do wrong and each case has its own backgrounds, but if this girl have had any trouble before she would not have been at school still. So she should be punished with something close to what she did, expel her from school for a few days is acceptable for breaking the laws of the schools. But for a judge to sentence that, it means that the principle has filed charges against her for hitting her and i know that it's her right, and i don't think that she knows any thing about the role of educator , does she know what would happen to her now being sent to juveniles !!! taking her away from her home and her mother, spending too much time with older girls who would taught her bad stuff !!! .

That 13 year old child will be no longer a child the moment this crime is done with her.

16 komentar:

  1. Do minors in America g to jail if they attack somebody?

  2. Susanne, it's so sad, is not it :(

    مسافر,yes they do and everywhere they do even in Saudi Arabia, but the post was not about that, it's about the whole situation, the before and after of the whole thing

  3. Minors in America might be jailed for a serious offence, but never for something like hitting someone with a cup, let alone being sentenced to 90 lashes - and in front of her peers. That is about humiliation and vengeance, not reformation.

    That poor girl, I suspect some understanding would have gone a lot further towards helping her figure out where she's headed.

  4. I read this on Friday, thought about leaving a comment but couldn't think of a sensitive way to do so.

    Coming back to it again, I think I just have to say how utterly inhuman it is and how little it must have to do with any religion worthy of the name.

  5. Oops - wrong post - I meant this comment for the one about child marriages. Though sending 13 year olds to prison for misbehaving at school seems kind of extreme as well...

  6. Robin, (That poor girl, I suspect some understanding would have gone a lot further towards helping her figure out where she's headed) . well said .

    Dad, no problem :)
    as for the 13 year ,it's indeed hugly extreme and now they seems to change the story a bit so they don't have to answer to their stupidity.

    as for the child marriage post, the problem is that when people link it to religion so they can satsify their sick needs and again children are the victims.But things are moving a bit here so let's pray that this brutality will end soon :)

  7. After reading several of your posts, I am forced to ask this question: Why do you still live in KSA? Yes, I understand it is your country and all that, but you seem like an intelligent, educated person. Why do you live in a place that places such burdens on a woman's everyday life. Are you hoping for the day that this may all change?

    I'd be curious to hear your perspective...

  8. Mr.Nighttime, well first of all thanx a lot for your nice words. now to your question, why am i still here ? because it's very hard to leave the country without a male companion ( like a father or a brother) or mahram and since my men are really very much saudi men and like most of them think of women as second class so no way they are going to help me leave at all. i was planning it for sometime to leave but things didn't work and then i let go of the idea. but seriously if i have the chance to leave now, i don't think i would do it at all because now the two most important people of my life are dependent on me financialy and it's not easy to let them go down to where we were before, poverty and all, and just leave. i know that freedom and being treated as a citizen and not second class one is very important and probably the most important things in life , but my mother and sister worth much more to me . and yes for the day that things will change but i know it's not going to be soon at all.

    i hope that this answer your question . and thanx for passing by :)

  9. @Wafa,

    Have you thought about finding employment in the West? How about applying for the scholarship and doing post grad stuff here?

    Last, but not least, what about marrying a Westerner?

    Any of these ways would allow you to live in the West and maybe bring your two loved ones with you!

  10. ابوسنان, i did about all that, mostly about jobs and studies more than marriage cuz i am anti-marriage, lol, . i don't know but sometimes i just let it be and wish for something,and i know things won't happen by themselves, cuz everytime thinking about being 50 or more here is killing me. and sometimes i try to do something and then i said let it be what Allah wants, who knows . but defiently i wouldn't go without my sister and mother. and that's what scares me the most how would my life be without them in here especially mom.

  11. Marriage isnt that bad as long as you find the right person. Coming from a dysfunctional background I understand where you are coming from.

    Sometimes you have to be proactive, like the old Arab proverb goes, "trust in God, but hobble your camel anyways".

  12. i m hoping it is because it is not fun or even ethical. esp when it is forced. how can one do such a thing?

  13. ابوسنان,and i do believe in that saying word by word :)

    Americansing, you are right and i want it to be my choice so at least i won't blame no one when it fails and can move on.

  14. Plain and simple: this punishment does NOT fit the crime! The fact that Saudi Arabia doesn't worry at all about its image to the rest of the world is indeed troubling.

  15. susie, after some condemntion from the human rights in saudi arabia, they have changed the whole story claiming that the girl is older and that she actually have talked against the government !!!
