i just saw " Avatar". A long movie, but worth it if you are into sc-fi movies. The message of the movie was beautiful, first time you see a a sc-fi movie talking about other people out there without labling them ''evil'', actually it's us ''people from Earth'' who are the evil this time and we are fighting a battle that is not ours which remind you of our real life on Earth.
on Earth, we fight , kill each other and launch wars ,why ? . we have no respect for our mother "Earth" , no respect for different cultures and traditions, we want things to be our own ways. and the strong must rule the weak , we want what others have or else.... and we call this ruling the world, strong nations and weak ones. civilized societies and barbaric ones because we like labeling, little do we know that our mother is the one suffering , and when your mother is in pain you are going to feel it whether you like it or not. we do not how stupid are we.
sorry i driftied away from the movie :) . Well, if you have almost two and half hours of free time between your hands and love sc-fi, don't miss it.
And one last note, the technology used in this movie was AMAZING and James Cameron has done beautiful job with this movie.
its been out for a while
BalasHapusi really wana watch it
Its amazing! I watch it 3D in cinema! I love this movie a lot! Its one of the best movie of this year!
BalasHapuseshda3wa, i think it has been realsed two weeks ago and if you are into sc-fi then you gonna like it :)
BalasHapusC, i believe that's it's one of the best movies this year, too.