Minggu, 27 Desember 2009

Happy New Year :)

Happy New Year Every One,

And After the Fun and the Great Time, Please Think of ....

A- How Are You Going to Make 2010 A Better Year for You?

B- How Are You Going to Make 2010 A Better Year for People Around You ( Families and Others ) ?


6 komentar:

  1. مرحبا

    بداية اشكرك على تواجدي ضمن مدوناتك المفضله هذا شرف لي

    اتمنى لك عام سعيد يحقق لك كل امانيك واحلامك

    دمت بود وياسمين

    هذا موقعي الرسمي
    mood island

  2. Happy new year to you as well! I've not made any resolutions of how I will try to improve in life. But, hopefully, I will somehow. :)

  3. happy new years wafa'!
    i hope the new year brings you much happiness and many blessings!

    ....im going to make 2010 a better place for me...because i think i want to have another baby :)
    we'll see what happens.

    and to make it better for others around me..i will find more simple ways to make other happy :)

  4. mood,
    مدونتك من اجمل ماقرأت ولي الشرف بتواجدها على القائمة. و ستكون لي زيارة اكبر لموقعك بالتاكيد
    و كل عام و انت بالف خير و صحة وعافية

    Susanne, happy new year dear. life has already gain you as an amazing lady and i am positive that you will make things better for you and around you this coming year :)

    angie, happy new year lovely lady :) i hope you and Marcel and your son and mom have a great and happy year in 2010 and all the coming years.
    i have seen your goodness so far and i know that you will make many lives happier this year. i will never forget your encorgaments and support , you are a darling :)

  5. Happy new year to you Wafa' and many happy returns, inshallah.
    May the new year be better and much more peaceful than its predecessor which was full of calamities and sadness.

  6. Prometheus, Happy New Year to you dear friend and wish you a great year :) and thank you for your great wishes :)
