Kamis, 29 Oktober 2009

My BirthDay :)

Next Thursday is my 3? birthday, i can not believe i'm this old, i'm closer to 40 than 30 :( . NEVER MIND, what's the point of getting upset over something i can not get back, sometimes i wish that i'm still young to achieve what i wish for, what i dreamt long time ago, but it didn't happen for a reason and it's no point getting to know why, who knows maybe the future is holding something more beautiful to me !!
Anyway, since i know that next Thursday i'm going to be PMS ing -and it's so harsh- or my i'm already having my period -and i would be sick then- i decided to do something today. yes we never do any thing big or important but these few years my mother and sister used to take me to a nice restaurant where we will have a nice meal or so. this time i wanted to do it, so i invite them to SHOPPING, lool. well, my mothers like to buy stuff for the house, so i choose with her and then insist on paying as my gift for her on my birthday, i did something nice to my sister, we had ice cream which the three of us didn't like, lol. have a quick meal. they help me do good deed to 4 strangers :) i really hope that this makes me even a bit happier. i bough myself lots of magazine which i don't buy usually, my favorite strawberry, raspberry and a book called ( Broken Open : how Difficult Times Can Help Us Grow ) hope it's a good one and can help in the coming years a bit. But ...... the gift i was begging my mother to get my self and she kept refusing is .... :( watch the video ....

i want a small one, too. they are so cute but mom doesn't like them , but she had a big smile when i show her the video :) . well, Happy Birthday To Me,lool.
love love this song for Elissa :)

15 komentar:

  1. happy birthday in advanced babe :**
    wallah ye7ageg lech kel ele tetmanenah ya raaab..

    rememeber.. elmuslim 2mruho kulho laho 5air.. so pls have faith.. n always hope.. there is always a bright side to that dark coin..

    n yeah that ellisa song is soo dreamy..


  3. Happy Birthday :D
    aww how sweet! I believe that if you put good energy into this world, Karma will take care of itself for you :). Insha Allah more happy and cheerful birthdays to come!!

    NOW! ohmygoshohmygoshohymygosh I wannnttt oneee ohmygosh!!! That kitten is just too precious!! :D
    In addtion to your mom, you brought a smile to my face :))))

  4. Congratulations, Muse.
    And many happy returns.

  5. nosa, thanx a lot dear in advance :) i will definitely will always be faithful :) .

    Dr.Emad Wassef. woow, you are here. first of all i am a huge fan of your blog and it always made me smile, happy and strong, you have a great impact on me, thank you :) . and thanx a lot for your wishes :)

    immaturely mature, thanx a lot for your wishes :) and i wish you happiness and great life as well :) . ohhhh and the kitten she is a heartbreaker , is not it ? ''sigh''

    Prometheus, thanx a lot my friend, and may life gives you as many happy days as those you give me reading your posts and they are a lot :)

  6. Happy birthday to you! I will send you my imaginary album as a birthday present ;)

  7. Happy birthday.
    It's cool you've done some shopping before your period coming LOL. Also, the kitten is something irresistable.I wish you all the best.

  8. happy birthday and hope all ur dreams come true :)
    i love elissa song. one of the few arabic songs i like :)

  9. Hopeless Poet, thanx a lot and still waiting for that imaginery album ;)

    Whispering Thoughts, thanx a lot :) and Shopping is the most relaxing thing in the world. lol

    moosquestions, thanx a lot for your beautiful wishes and wish you the same :) . glad you liked elissa's song :)

  10. i hope you have a beautifull birthday! the kitten is sooo cute..its like a baby

  11. Happy birthday sweetie and many many happy returns! Inshallah more more more beautiful things waiting for you in the future *hugs, kisses and cookies*

  12. Happy birthday dear :)
    I couldn't see the videos, love kittens, but wouldn't wanna touch them =D
    Take Brufin and enjoy your birthday! ;)

  13. angie, thanx a lot dear :) . indeed kitten are like babies, but they turned not quite good when they are big, both of them, lol j/k.

    C, thanx a lot sweetie :) and thanx for the kisses and the cookies :). wish you a great life ya 3omrei

    ohDear, thanx a lot dear :) how are you ? hope things are great with you, too . you have have ahve to see the kittens they are adorable, don't tocuh them, just watch them :)

  14. I just watched it.. I think I can touch that little one.. Just once :p

  15. once !!! i want to hold it so tight and never let go :)
