Sabtu, 26 Maret 2011

What Do You Think ?

The translation :-

I'm Alaa Wardi, I'm in Saudi Arabia now
I eat, Drink, Sleep, and spend night on Facebook
Out of too much boredom, I wrote this song
And eight other songs, and I thew them in the trash can
O' guys please save me, O' guys please I need a visa
O' guys they cut my hair, please before I go crazy
I've been in Riyadh from 9 months, I haven't seen any girl since long time ago
I wanted to go to Canada, But they declined my visa application
They told me you stinky Iranian, I told them you sons of bitches

14 komentar:

  1. sra7a?ana 7ashashet min el de7ek,but I think if I were Saudi I wouldn't really laugh about it!it is insulting sra7a
    what did you think about it Foof?

    He sounds like Yazan Rousan..

  2. is it bcoz he is iranian??? lol i fell pity towards him.


  3. Rain,

    glad you enjoyed it but honestly i don't have an opinion about it. I have read some comments about it from Saudis who are cursing and saying the worst about the guy. I don't know if it's insulting or not, he simply says his opinion or what he wants. on another hand, i understand where all that come from.

  4. Farsilla,

    what do u mean because he is Iranian !!

  5. Haitham,

    i honestly don't know what to make of it !!

  6. dont get me wrong dear, i dont hate iranians. but what i know some arabs dislike iranians. im not saying the ordinary dislike. its like anti iranians. but not all. if he is having prob just bcoz he is iranian, i feel bad for him. bcoz he is also a muslim n a human -___-


  7. Farsilla,

    no no dear, i didn't get u wrong, i actually didn't understand what u mean ? . But see, since i have no problem with any nationality that's why i didn't get it.
    And i guess u are right it maybe relating to Arabs and Iranians, and i guess he is having trouble for being in Saudi Arabia and not being Saudi too. That's why i said in the above comments i understand where he come from.
    thanks for explaining more my dear :)

  8. But he is not Iranian he just said they called him Iranian because they're racist and they don't find any difference between Arabs and Iranians
    At least that's what I understood!

  9. Rain,

    i have read an interview with him where he said that he was Iranian. And that's what escalate the problem the already bad image each have of the other !!

  10. I find it funny xD Because a lot of Saudi students come here to Canada and act like wild animals, they go crazy around girls, and I myself got hit on at work by one guy - -; ..... and they look like wild animals too ... some of them got these crazy lion maines o.o;;;

    But I have nothing against any race at all. I have known Saudi students here who are the complete opposite. I see this as just a stereotype song.

  11. Jess,

    I guess it's.
    cuz we all should have the attitude of having nothing against any race or religion ...etc. we should celebrate our difference :)
