Happy Birthday Saudi Arabia.
Thursday the 23rd of September is Saudi Arabia National Day .
And here is what will happen in this special day.
The media will talk endlessly about the achievements of the governments .The glories of the past , the present and what amazing future it will have.
People -in the past couple of years-enjoyed it because it is an off-day. A day where it all goes green and chaotic. It's way better to stay at home on this day.
It's a messy but beautiful day, or at least we have a day where we can celebrate being one nation like the rest of the world.
I wanted to write about the following before and kept wondering when but since it's "The National Day" i thought why not now.
We love our country and only because we love it we want it to be a better place. We used to live in middle ages literally. We couldn't express our needs and frustration. Speaking about the country or the king or even the least important official was a big thing.
Things have changed hugely in the past couple of years . The region of King AbduAllah is different and since 9/11 things changed. Yes it's not perfect but things are moving forward at least. Things is changing. When i say things, i say it to mean all walks of life.
So... when some one criticized the country or mentioned its fault it does not mean they hate it or trying to show a bad image about it to the world. Criticism supposed to happen out of love and care. The idea that you criticize something out of hate is not entirely true.
Who care what the rest of the world think about us if we are doing it right in here ?
who care if the whole world think we have no respect to human rights when maids and workers are treated badly if we do respect their rights and fight for and with them to have it . The idea of hiding that some maid has been killed or raped so the world wont think we are brutal is way backward.
Are we this so much closed on ourselves.
Did we stop reading the rest of the world headlines?
they too have problems and they point them out , maybe to sell, but solution always happen.
Remember how many kids used to die or gone missing suddenly and no one knows about them ?
Now we know that not all parents are angel , thanks to those who dare to publish and show the " bad side" of human nature not "Saudi nature ". Cuz the same happens all over the world but you don't read probably. Now there are huge steps in taking caring of abused children .
did we ever have that? Thanks to criticism.
Thanks to speaking out loud.
I am probably doing the same right now by asking them to not get it wrong, i know that those who believed Saudi Arabia is the "best country in the world " and "the land of Islam "and "a great nation" have the right to critisie anyone who want to critise the great image they have in mind.
But ...let's be honest here and REALIZE for sure that in any country in the world there is the good and the bad. And we are no different.
If i say i have a bad family that doesn't mean all families are bad. When i write about my problems ,venting out and look for a solution , i tend -like many- to not mention every now and then "this is only my miserable life and there are others who live happily eve rafter" the same way everyone with a happy family and great life wont say during a good post about his/her great life "this is only my great life, there are others who live a shitty life ".
So don't get offended when some woman ask for their rights, simple rights, because not all of us have great fathers or brothers. some even have their lives controlled by far less important male members of their extended family.
If women ask to be able to drive for example, they are not traitors who are "westernized " and "trying to give us a bad name" or " not good Muslims". It's just that driving is very important for them and some unfortunately don't have the luxury of a driver to stand outside their own houses waiting for them. They have to take a taxi who might do/say whatever he like because there is not definitive law against that.
If you are happy that doesn't mean that every single person in this wide country is as happy as you are. And the same if you are miserable.
When we post about "brothers/sisters relationship in Saudi Arabia" i was the only one with the negative story, the rest have great stories to say about their brothers.
It's a big place , a big beautiful country.
With different stories and when people tell it, they are not against their country, they simply fed up.
Is it selfishness? i think so, but hey that MY own thinking and not EVERYONE'S.
Let the world talk and say whatever they have to say about us. We have educated people who can answer that. And if they decide not to believe us then it's up to them. Let it be a PR problem.
The idea that you can not talk so no one will get us wrong is over.
People wants to have their god giving rights and if someone else claims to already have it then good for you, don't be vain and arrogant and ask people to stop asking for their rights just because you are afraid for your good image in front of your "western friend". Oops i label too :)
Until every single person in this country have his/her right then people will talk and they are not traitors, they are as good and loyal citizens as you and you and you and you are.
P.S: That's only a bit :)
Well said! And happy birthday to your country. :)
BalasHapusPeople tend to perceive others from their own point view. "Why do women need to drive when drivers are available?" "People who uncover their face are not disciplined" and the statements go on forever. Being able to listen to others (like the world's headlines) would educate us about what and how a country should run. It is great to be happy in Saudi Arabia and being born into a privileged family, but that shouldn't shield one's eyes from the other people's situations who are less privileged. Saudi Arabia has so much potential and so do its citizens, I am glad that we've moved on from the "middle ages" as you've proclaimed and are extending our hands into modernity both in the mind, body and soul. Happy Saudi National day Wafa' :) and thank you for this post, dear.
BalasHapusU r absolutely right..
BalasHapusWe as a good citizens should do our best to make our lovely countries better more and more ,and must talk and ask for our rights to help making it better
Happy National Day to all of u :)
Very well said my dear.. and you're right... the first step to fixing a problem is to accept that there is a problem. Turning ablind eye, or sticking our head in the sand really won't make it go away. I believe that those who truly love this country, are the ones who want to change it for the best.
BalasHapusTake care dear :)
And a happy National day full of green Saudi champagne to you.. (I should try making it.. I guess I can just add green food colouring to it.. right? ) <3
This is a great post. Just if everyone was wise enough to perceive things that way. And regarding criticism, intentions behind criticism are often clear in the way one is criticizing. But I feel that criticism (even in daily life) is becoming a trend, to an extent that people would grasp any word as a criticism (destructive obviously) and would make a fuss about what you've said...others only live to criticize even if matters aren't their business and it is obvious that they aren't doing it out of love. I have loads of opinions regarding this "issue",,, Anyways I loved what you've presented, and Happy national day neighbour!
BalasHapusI agree with you and speaking out is always good- if it helps i love my country and its citizen so im wishing you a veryy great National day-Happy Birthday 2 our dearest Saudi :)
BalasHapusThanks a lot dear :)
BalasHapusI couldnot have said it better dear :)
Happy National Day to you too :)
And stop being away for such long times, i always love what you have to say, you are always a wise young lady :)
BalasHapusexactly , only speaking will improve our countries. Being silence is not going to solve a thing.
Thanks a lot dear :)
Om Lujain,
BalasHapusyou are absolutely right dear . we should face our problems, maybe not today but definitely always.
And Happy National Day to you too :)
My Sky,
BalasHapusi have seen and known people who would criticize just for the sake of it. they would fo it against anything and when they are bored they would turn against themselves.
i used to be one, but now i either have or look for solutions , or try to understand the situation.
But right now the trend here is that you can not say a single bad word against Saudi Arabia or you will be labled all bad names, people are so much obsess with the idea "how the west will see us" , who care? , let's focus on ourselves and have prosperity for the people and then care about these shallow claims.
Thanks a lot for your kind words and your wishes dear :)
BalasHapusspeaking out always help, maybe not instantly but it will.
Thanks for your nice words
And Happy National Day to you too dear :)
غاليتي ...نعم نحن نحب وطننا ...لكن هل يحبنا الوطن؟
BalasHapusاذا تكلمنا عن مشاكلنا لايعني هذا بأننا ناقمون عليه بل يعني هذا اننا نحلم بمستقبل افضل ينعكس علينا وعليه
وأذا انتقدنا بعض السياسات لا يعني هذا بأننا خائنون بل من غيرتنا عليه
كل ما نريده بأن نشعر بأننا بشر .....كما نقدم للوطن هو يعطينا بالمقابل ....يعطينا الحريه والامان لنعطيه كل ما في وسعنا
اشعر بأن المشكله الاخرى من جهتنا تتعلق في الانتماء....لا زال الكثير منا يتغنى في حب الوطن ويتفنن في التغزل بمحاسنه ...وتصرفاته الفعليه لا تحوي ذرة انتماء
ربنا يصلح احوال امتنا العربيه والاسلاميه كافه
وكل عام والسعوديه بخير
وكل عام والسعوديين والسعوديات بخير ,,,,,خصوصاً حبيبتي وفاء*_*دمتي بخير دائما
BalasHapusاهم سؤال هو هل يحبنا الوطن؟
ربما لاننا في دول عالم ثالث, في دول المواطن ليس له اي حقوق غير العمل والتمجيد للحكام
هذه بعض الاسباب التي فعلا تجعلنا نفكر الف مرة هل نحب اوطاننا
لنا حقوق نعم و لكن ماهي هذه الحقوق؟ ربما لو كان لنا حق تقرير
المصير كانت امور كثيرة تغيرت. بالفعل لايوجد للعديد من مواطني دولنا اي انتماء , والسؤال الاهم هو من المسئول؟ من الملام
و كل عام و دولتنا بخير وتطور و امان و حقوق