Minggu, 30 Agustus 2009


yesterday, i saw ''Antichrist'' , it was a very strange movie, i have never seen any similar movies, and when i say similar, i mean the way the movie shot .
the movie is about a couple who lost their child and the mother's grief.
it starts with a prologue and then chapter one, two and so on .... . it's a dark , full of gore moments , shocking and somehow disgusting.
the movie made me think about how can people very close to you be your therapist . I've never been to a therapist, though i wish . but is it easy, can they help you ? what if they were part of the problems i have ? . you know when i started this blog some days ago, i thought of telling some of my family, but then i changed my mind, i want to write about every thing here, about my deepest emotions and secrets , about things we can not tell to close ones, so by having them read my blogs, is like allowing them to go so deep in my heart and mind which i don't do usually. i know , have not write anything special so far but i will definitely.
also, in the movie, they were practicing grieving techniques . seriously, i never know about any techniques, i mean i was faced with tragedies in my life and those techniques could help a lot. :(
This is a poster of the movie and a trailer

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